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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


So today was yours and Jim's 1st wedding anniversary, and you wanted to do something special so you'd managed to get an afternoon off to prepare a romantic dinner for the two of you. You got to your shared quarters after your shift and began cooking, you hadn't really done a lot of cooking but how hard could it really be???

Very hard hour into cooking and you were starting again, turned out your cookbook had a few pages missing from the recipe you were reading, so around half way through you managed to make an odd main course and dessert combination that didn't seem very appealing or hoped that attempt two would be better.

No such luck...Jim would be home any minute now and all you'd managed to do was burn some food, and muck up the once clean kitchen. You could feel tears started to run down your face, all you wanted to do was to make your anniversary special but you'd ruined it...

"(Y/N)??? You here???"

"In here..."

Jim walked into the kitchen and as soon as he saw your tear filled eyes, he pulled you close to him in a hug.

"Baby what's wrong???"

"I've ruined everything...I've ruined our anniversary"

"Ruined it??? How have you ruined it???"

"With this stupid mess and thinking that an idiot like me could cook"

"Hey, your not an idiot...and you haven't ruined anything. (Y/N), I wasn't expecting you to go all out and cook...I had hoped to come home and cuddle on the couch watching movies with my gorgeous wife, because as long as I'm with you, everyday is special for me"

"I just wanted to do something romantic..."

"And I appreciate the, why don't you pick a film and we can cuddle"

" the way, I love you"

"And I love you too baby...happy anniversary"

"Happy anniversary Jim"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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