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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @ghostwhiskers :Not sure where to request so I'll do it here (sorry) could you do a spock one? Nothing specific with what happens. 😀

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Since you were a child, you've always been fascinated by space. You found it incredible to think that beyond Earth there were other planets with other forms of life on it. One alien race that particularly interested you was Vulcans. You wondered what it must be like to be able to suppress from showing emotions, to be so intelligent and also to have such cool ears!!! You were that fascinated about space and races other than humans that you decided (against your families wishes) to join Starfleet, you trained to be a communications officer, you worked as hard as you could to succeed and it paid off, you graduated Starfleet academy and was assigned to the newest starship, the Enterprise.

When you boarded the enterprise you were escorted to your quarters were you unpacked and slipped on your red dress. You applied a bit of make up and tied your hair into a high pony tail. You headed out of your room and headed to the bridge. When you entered the bridge your eyes widened at what you saw, it was him, Spock!!! He was a legendary at the academy, they say that he passed up the opportunity to go to one of the best schools in space, it was where all Vulcans were taught but when a member of the Vulcan high command mentioned something about his mother being human he declined and joined Starfleet. You had never met a Vulcan before and it was an honorary for the first one you see to be the most well known one in the universe.

Because you'd been day dreaming about Spock, you hadn't realised that he was now staring at you due to the fact you had not moved and seemed to be in a trance. We walked over to you had put his hands behind his back, when he spoke, you were brought back to reality and your face started to go red at the fact he was speaking to you.

"Lieutenant (Y/L/N), you appear to be in a state of shock, please allow me to personally escort you to the medical bay to be analysed."

You were lost for words so just did what he told you, he motioned you off the bridge and you both made your way to medbay, you could feel your heart slightly racing at the fact Spock was walking so close to you, it seemed that you had managed to fall for the Vulcan. You both soon reached the medbay but before entering you gained enough courage and turned to Spock, he seemed confused as to why you had stopped but you simply put you hands around his neck and pulled his lips on to yours. At first it felt like you were kiss in a lamp post, there was no reaction but then you felt Spock put his hands on your hips as he pulled your body close to yours, you both were lost in the kiss, you only broke apart due to the fact you both needed to breath. You saw Spock's cheeks go slightly green with embarrassment.

"Lieutenant, the events that have just occurred appeared to be very fascinating, I feel that it would be logical to continue this somewhere more private"

You simply smiled at how adorable he was, you grabbed his hand and bragged him to your quarters to continue. 😉😉😉

*time skip brought to you by I'm a doctor not a physicist*

You were lying in bed cuddled up to Spock. You couldn't believe what had just happened, you had just slept with Spock, your first time was with a Vulcan, you were over the moon.


"Yes (Y/N)???"

"I think I'm in love with you."

"I believe I am also experiencing the emotion of love towards you, I feel it is then only logical that I ask you to be, what I believe is know as a girlfriend to me."

You said no more words and simply just kissed Spock as a reply.

"I shall interpret that as a yes"

Spock then returned to kissing you and one thing led to another and you once again were getting very intimate with the Vulcan. 😉😉😉


I hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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