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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Pamela_Stark :Hi! A dominican reader here. I was wondering if you can make an imagine where Kirk meets the reader in Earth, and she was excited to meet him and then she disappears, months ago Jim meets her again in the medbay of the enterprise, where she is a doctor, and try to flirt with her, but she isn't as excited as she was, then she tells him she was just a fan of his work, but not interested in him. So, he makes himself the personal mission to conquer her. Months later and after being friendzoned, he achieves it (sorry if it isn't good written, i speak spanish I'm not really good writing in english)

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Kirk's POV*

"Ah Kirk, I want you to meet someone...this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), why don't you two talk for a bit...I have to go to a meeting"

"Hi there, I'm..."

"...Jim Kirk...I have read about you"

"So, how do you know Pike???"

"Oh, he knows my father...they went to high school together or something like that..."

"Same here...although I don't know if Pike and my father were at school together, but I know they were in Starfleet together"

"I can't believe I am finally meeting's just such an honour. I have been reading about all your missions with the enterprise and I have to say, it is inspiring to read...your so brave"

"All in a days work on a starship"

(Y/N) was incredible, I had never met someone so wonderful. I felt very humbled that she wanted to meet me so badly. The more I talked to (Y/N), the more I learned about her caring nature, she was the perfect human being and I had to say, she was a very appealing human at that. I could feel myself falling for this girl and I could tell she was falling for me too.

"Oh gosh, is that the time?!...Kirk, I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to go...I was meant to be at work 25 minutes ago..."

"Where do you work???"

"At the coffee shop around the corner..."

"I'll drop in sometime..."

"That sounds good, I'll see you then..."

"See ya..."

After that encounter, I found myself feeling disappointed. I went to the coffee shop (Y/N) said she worked at but she wasn't there...I decided to get a coffee and wait for her, but when it started to get late, I decided to ask when (Y/N) was working, only to find out that she had left her job here in order to pursue her dream career...and to my dismay, that was one of the things me and (Y/N) didn't discuss the day we met, so I had no way of knowing how I'd ever meet the girl of my dreams again.

Fast forward to back on the enterprise and I had my medical exam to do, and after being dragged to the medbay by bones, my eyes were met by ones I thought I'd never see was (Y/N), she'd been here all along...its no wonder I had never found her before, she works in my least favourite department.

"(Y/N)?! Is it really you???"

"Oh...hi Kirk"

"Long time no come you didn't say you were on the enterprise"

"I didn't realise you'd want to know..."

"But I thought there was a spark between us...weren't you flirting with me the day we met???"

"Oh Kirk, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression before...i am just really inspired by your family history and your work...I'm no more than a fan, I'm so sorry if I made it seem like something more"

"So you don't like me???"

"I'll admit your an appealing guy bu..."

"So you do like me..."

"I said you were appealing but I just don't see myself with you...sorry"

"Don't apologies...ill prove to you that me and you would be amazing together, don't worry, you'll soon realise how much you love me, because I have to tell you, I love you"

And so my mission began 'Operation Date (Y/N)'. I began with leaving roses at here work station, then when she started to show an interest in the gesture, I left notes of love and inspiration...gradually my gifts got better and better until, after 3 months of hard work I stood at her station with a huge teddy, a bunch of roses and romantic music playing. When (Y/N) saw me, she laughed and rolled her eyes at me. For the whole day, she tried to work around me but I wouldn't move, today was the day I was going to ask her out and nothing was gonna stop me.

"(Y/N), can I speak to you..."

"Sure, what is it???"

"Will you go out with me???"


"Why not..."

" see...uh..."

"You can't think of an answer, can you..."


"So...what do you say...will you be my girlfriend???"

"Fine...but on one condition..."


"Move, so I can get to work"

"Oh yeah..."

I moved out the way and she went to grab her equipment but as she did, I swooped in and kissed her instead. At first she was shocked by my movement, but eventually she relaxed into the kiss...the kiss was everything I hoped it would be, she was so gentle and perfect. When we parted, I headed out of the medbay, I could have swore I heard her mumble 'I love you'.

"I love you too (Y/N)"


Hope you enjoyed it. 

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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