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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 33k reads on this book it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


"Now you and daddy are gonna be okay without me...aren't you daddy"

"(Y/N), we will be fine...stop getting stressed, I know how to look after my own son"

"I know but he's just so little...I've never been away from him before...maybe I should stay"

"No, no, need a break so your going, and besides, we need some father-son bonding...don't we buddy"

Your baby boy simply laughed, he was just so cute, you hated the idea of leaving him but Uhura had planned to take you for a spa session since for the past 5 weeks you had been busy with a new born and you needed a just couldn't bare to leave little Jacob. But you knew he would be safe with Jim, he was his dad after all. So reluctantly you kissed both Jacob and Kirk goodbye before leaving the two alone.

*Kirk's POV*

I wish (Y/N) wouldn't stress so much, but then again, she did just have a baby, so it was inevitable she'd have separation anxiety but while my beautiful wife was having a relaxing day, I get to look after the most handsome baby in space.

"So, about I get you your bottle"

Since I been carrying Jacob I placed him in his crib before going to the kitchen to get him a bottle. I then returned to Jacobs crib, and usually he was a quite thing that just giggled and payed peacefully but now, he was like a completely different baby, screaming and crying his little eyes out, instantly I hurried to pick him up, he continued to cry...I bounced him gently, he continued his crying...I checked his nappy, clean...tried to feed him, he refuse...and here was me thinking this would be did (Y/N) make it look so easy all the was going to be a long day.

*Your POV*

Uhura and Kirk had been right, you did need to hadn't realised how stressed and worked up you had been till after your spa session, you felt so refreshed and calm...and although you really enjoyed your day, you couldn't wait to get back and see Jacob, you had missed him so had checked your watch and you had about 20 minutes till he was due to go to sleep so if you hurried, you get to say goodnight to him. When you got to your quarters, you expected to see Jim giving Jacob his nighttime bottle, and about to put him to bed...what you didn't expect, was to come home to a crying baby and husband.

"Oh thank god your home (Y/N) got to help me, he hasn't stopped crying since you left...I checked his nappy, tried to feed him, read to him, bounced him...everything, but nothing works he just crys...I'm such a terrible father..."

"You not a terrible father, stop being, give him to me"

Jim handed you the baby and you as soon as you held him, he stopped crying and just lay there quietly.

" did you do that?!"

"He a mummy's boy, aren't you baby"

Jacob simply giggled at you, before yawning...someone was sleepy. You carefully walked to his crib and laid him done, he almost instantly fell asleep, it was so cute. You then went back over to a defeated looking Jim, he looked like he may burst into tears again so you just pulled him into a hug and held him close.

"He hates me, doesn't he..."

"He doesn't hate you Jim, he was probably just sensed change and didn't like it...don't take it personally, he still loves you ya know...I love you as well"

"And I love both of how was the spa trip???"

"It was so, I think we should head to bed, you look like you could pass out at any moment"


You and Jim both got changed before getting into bed, you cuddled up close to Jim.

"Goodnight Jim"

"Goodnight Beautiful"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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