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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. thank you all so much for over 22k reads on this book, I'm so grateful ❤️❤️❤️)



Ugh, seriously...why do people always what to talk when you're busy. You sat up and looked at your alarm clock, 02.52am...this better be important. You get out of bed and slowly make your way to the door, just before you open the door though, you take a deep breath and remember to keep's not nice to shout at people even if they WAKE YOU UP AT...keep calm. You open the door to find a stressed out Sulu.

"(Y/N), you've got to come help...I don't know how to get through to him..."

"Slow down...who are you talking about and why do they need my help???"

"It's Chekov...we were in the rec room...he drank way to much...he's speaking russian..."

"Take me to where he is"

You followed Sulu to the rec room and sure enough...there was a very drunk Pavel, shouting at everyone, in Russian...while hugging a redshirt...this would be interesting.

"Sulu, why didn't you stop know he goes daft when he has too much to drink"

"I tried but he said he could handle it because he was a Russian"

"Remind me to be here the next time you two go drinking"

"I will...but can you fix Chekov first"


You walked over to Pavel who was in deep conversation about a cactus he met on mars???, it's a good thing you know Russian.

"Hey you doing???"

"эй (Y/N) ... пришел вступить в партию ... Могу ли я купить тебе выпить"
(Hey (Y/N)...come join the party...can i get you a drink)

"I'm fine, but your not so why don't I take you back to your room so you can get some does that sound???"

"Я в порядке, я не нужно, чтобы отдохнуть ... просто выпить со мной, пожалуйста "
(I'm fine, i don't need to rest...just have a drink with me, please)

"No more drinks...I'm taking you to your room whether you want to go or not"

You pulled Pavel off the redshirt and walked him to his first he protested but eventually he gave in and just followed you back to his room. When you got there, you sat him in his bed and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was fast asleep. You were about to leave and head back to your own room but you felt bad for just leaving Pavel here alone...when he wakes up, he'd probably have a headache and be really confused so you decided to sleep on his couch for the night.

In the morning, your prediction can true...Pavel had no idea what happened the night before and had a splitting headache...since you were a nurse, you decided to help him recover so called Jim and told him Chekov couldn't make it into work today. You got Pavel a glass of water and soon paracetamol.

"Your a good friend you know zat.."

"And your an idiot for drinking..."

"I dezerwed zat I zuppose...but I'm zeriouz, zank you for helping me lazt night"

"Your how's the head now???"

"It'z not az bad az before but it ztill hurtz"

"Well you just need some rest so I'll leave you to sleep"

You started heading towards the door.



"Can you ztay vith me??? Pleaze???"

"I...I dunno Pavel...I've got a lot of work to..."

He started giving you those damn puppy dog eyes, he knew how to twist your arm...the sneaky little cutey.

"Okay fine...but I can't stay all day"

You intended to go sit on the couch again but Pavel lifted the duvet inviting you to get in the bed with first you were hesitant but eventually lay down beside him. You lay facing each other.

"Your eyez are beautivul by ze vay"

"Your supposed to be sleeping"

"I can't knoving zuch a pretty girl iz in my bed"

You blushed slightly at his comment.

"Just go to sleep Pavel"

"Okay vine...but only iv you kizz me virst"


I thought warning...Pavel's lips were on yours but instead of pulling away, you encouraged it because it felt so right. One thing led to another and let's just say...Pavel didn't get a lot of rest that day 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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