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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 48k reads on this book it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


"Leo??? Leo, you here???"

"In here..."

You walked towards the voice and found Bones sitting at his desk behind a pile of papers, as you entered he didn't even look up at you, he was just to busy with all the work he had. For the last few days, he'd finished late and was always you realised why.

"How you doing???"

"Not good...I've got to get these files checked and organised but it's taking longer than I hoped"

"Do you need help???"

"Yes...I'd really appreciate it darlin'"

"Where do I start???"

"Can you do this section...just match up the names and put them over here, I'll check them through"

"Well then, let's get started"

You sat down beside Bones and started to look through the papers, you matched up all the names and Bones checked that all the data was accurate, you had a system and soon enough the pile of paper started to get smaller and smaller. You checked your watch, it was'd been here for 15 hours. There was still some papers left to sort through but it was a manageable amount that could be left for tomorrow.

"Leo, I think it's time to go to bed..."

"No, just a bit longer..."

"Leo, I'm exhausted, your exhausted...let's just go, we can finish it tomorrow"


"No need to sleep now let's go"


You managed to pry Bones away from his office and down the hall to your quarters...he was in a bit of a mood with you but you didn't mind, you only did what you did for his own health and you care about him to much to watch him drive himself into the ground.

"Goodnight Leo..."

He didn't answer you, he just rolled over and faced away from you, he was in a mood but it didn't last long because after half an hour, when he thought you were asleep, he turned to face you and pulled you close to him, he couldn't stay mad at you forever.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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