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Here is another imagine. Requests are Open. Enjoy!!!


While the warp core was being repaired on earth, the whole crew was given a month long break. Jim decided he would visit bars all over the United States, Bones planned on having his daughter stay with him, Sulu was going to be spending time with his little girl and his husband, Spock and Uhura i'm going to visit Uhura's parents why and Pavel were heading to Russia so you could finally meet Pavel's parents. The two of you had been dating for about 1 and a 1/2 years now and Pavel had met you parents 3 times already, so now was definitely the right time to finally go and see them.

After getting off the plane it took 2 hours to drive to the house your boyfriend had grew up in. As you walked to the front door it suddenly opened and you were greeted by Pavel's father. He instantly pulled you into a hug and welcomed you to his home, you noticed how well he spoke English to you and he told you that he had learned it so he could teach Pavel after he wanted to join Starfleet. You followed Pavel's father into the living room, he shouted something in Russian and a woman poked her head out of the kitchen door, you guessed this was Pavel's mother, especially since she seemed so excited to see you.

"Вы должны быть (Y/N), это так приятно , наконец, встретить вас дорогой"

After she spoke she hugged you and over her shoulder you looked at Pavel with horror on your face, you had no idea what she had just said, and you felt bad that you hadn't had a chance to properly learn Russian, you knew a few phrases but nothing as complex. Pavel just laughed at you, luckily his dad translated for you.

"She zaid: You must be (Y/N), it'z zo lovely to finally meet you darling. I apologise for my wife, she doesn't know any English."

"Oh no, its fine, it's really lovely to finally meet you both...I knew I should have worked harder when learning Russian."

Pavel's father laughed and you joined in, you noticed Pavel's mother going up to Pavel and hugging him, they then started talking to each other and you watched in amazement.

"Паша мой ребенок , почему вы не привели вашу подругу , чтобы встретить нас раньше?"
(Pasha my baby, why have you not brought your girlfriend to meet us sooner?)

"Я был немного занят навигации звездолет мама , вы знаете, я пришел бы чаще, но я просто не успел."
(I have been kind of busy navigating a starship mum, you know i would have come more ofter but i just havent had time to.)

"Ну я думаю, что я должен поговорить с этим капитаном вашей, мальчик нуждается во времени , чтобы увидеть свою мать."
(Well i think i should have a word with that Captain of yours, a boy needs time to see his mother.)

"Мама вы не можете просто потребовать, чтобы капитан Кирк дал мне свободное время только, чтобы увидеть вас , это непрофессионально."
(Mum, you can not just demand that Captain Kirk gave me the free time just to see you, it's unprofessional.)

"мы увидим ... теперь пришел помочь мне приготовить обед , вы двое слишком худой."
(We'll come help me make dinner, you two are far too skinny.)

With that said Pavel and his mother walked into the kitchen, Pavel's dad placed his hand on your shoulder, while he chuckled to himself.

"Vhy don't I help you learn Russian, zat vay you don't haff to be zo confused."

"That sounds like a great idea."

Your first lesson began, after half an hour you started to get the hang of it. You were impressed at how good a teacher he was. Pavel had tried to teach you but had failed, every time you couldn't say something he try to cheer you up by kissing you but this usually spread to something else 😉😉😉, and that didn't help learn Russian what so ever.

About and hour later Pavel stood in the door way and told you both that dinner was ready, you hugged Mr Chekov and thanked him on your lesson, you had both come up with a plan that while you where in Russia, he would teach you and hopefully before you leave you would be fluent in it.

In the kitchen the three on you sat at the table while Mrs Chekov placed plates of food infront of you all. You all started to eat and although you had no idea what you were eating one thing was certain, it was delicious. You wanted to compliment Pavel's mother on the meal so as you ate you thought about the Russian you had learned and when you finished you hoped you were going to pronounce your compliment right.

"Г-жа Чеков , что еда была невероятно."
(Mrs Chekov, that meal was incredible.)

"Почему спасибо (Y/N)"
(Why thank you (Y/N))

You help clean up and once all the dishes were cleaned you decided to head to bed early as for most of the day you had been travelling and you were starting to get very sleepy. Pavel decided he would join you so you both said good night and headed up stairs. You both got ready for bed and then lay down, you cuddled into Pavel and lay there.

"Мне очень нравятся ваши родители , они , кажется, очень хорошо."
(I really like your parents, they seem really nice.)

"Zey seem to weally like you to...and zince ven did you know Russian?"

"Since your dad fought me while you were helping with dinner, he said he'll teach me till we have to leave, he said hopefully by then I'll be fluent in it."

"Vell it zounds like you had fun...all my mum vanted to know vas vhen ze vedding vas."

You both chuckle at this, his mum must of liked you.

"Zo vhen iz ze vedding?"

And with that Pavel brought out a box containing a ring.

You covered you mouth with your hands, you could feel tears of joy in your eyes

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You covered you mouth with your hands, you could feel tears of joy in your eyes.

"(Y/N) since the first day I met you I knew you were the one for me, will you marry me?"

"Yes!...Of course I will...Yes!!!"

You both couldn't stop smiling as Pavel slide the ring onto your finger. You put your hands on Pavel's cheeks and pulled him into a kiss, you were both still smiling. You pulled away and returned to your previous cuddling position, you couldn't stop staring at the ring now located on your finger. You and Pavel were going to get married, you were squealing inside, your dreams were coming true, your future with Pavel was just beginning.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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