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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @marvelgirl_02 :Request-Kirk cheats on you then you find out your pregnant 😬

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Today had been a terrible'd felt sick all day, had constant headaches and to be honest just wanted to go back to your quarters and cuddle up to Jim. Scotty must have noticed how down you were feeling today because he let you finish a couple of hours early, you thanked Scotty before making your way to yours and Jim's room. You were excited to be spending a bit of time with Jim because he had been so busy lately and the two of you had barely seen each other, today Jim had some time off while your were working your shift so your were excited about spending a few hours together before his shift started.

You got back to the room and typed in the passcode before entering but instantly regretted it because you had just walked into your worst nightmare. As soon as you'd opened the door you heard moaning coming from down the hall...your body didn't want to move forward for fear seeing what you were hoping was your imagination but your forced yourself had to needed to know the truth, would Jim cheat on you???...turns out, he would.

"(Y/N)!!!'s not what it looks like..."

"Oh it's not??? So what is going on then??? Enlighten me with your story..."

"Uhh...we...we were just...Uhh..."

"You were just what Jim??? First-aid??? Rehearsals for a play??? Go on, make up a lie to make me feel better..."

"(Y/N)...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you...I didn't think you'd be back so early..."

"Oh I'm sorry...I am early AREN'T I, SO FINISH PLEASE..."

And with that you left...slamming the door on your way out...everyone had warned you about Jim, about how he was untrustworthy in relationships but you didn't believe thought he had changed for you, obviously you were wrong. You ended up running through the hall ways crying your eyes out...eventually you began to feel light headed but when you stopped you felt like you were going to be really needed to see someone about this virus so since you had no where to be right now, you headed to the medical bay to get something to make you feel better.

When you had decided to go to the medbay you thought, worse case get a hypo, what you didn't expect was to be told that you were 2 weeks now you had a cheating boyfriend and you were having his baby now, today just got better and better. You knew the baby was Jim's you and just had been seeing each other for the 6 months and unlike Jim, you hadn't been seeing anyone else in that time so it was definitely you just had to tell him, that would be fun.

You walked slowly back to your quarters trying to think of what to wondered if that girl would still be there or had considered just not going and telling Jim another time but decided to just tell him needed t be strong and brace so, when you reached the room, you entered the room and cautiously walked down the hall, as you did, you didn't here moaning, you heard someone crying. You found Jim curled up on the couch in took everything in you to resist hugging him and comforting loved him, still...but he broke your heart, you couldn't give in so easily. You walked further into the living room and soon Jim lifted his head and noticed you...instantly he jumped up and went to hug you but you stepped back, he then understood and took a step back as well.

"You came back..."

"Yes, but just to let you know...I'm pregnant"


"I'm 2 weeks pregnant Jim...and before you ask, I only just found out a few minutes ago..."

"That's wonderful news (Y/N)..."

"Is it though??? is a baby wonderful news, when it's father is a cheating bast..."

"...I know, I know but I'm so so sorry (Y/N), I never meant to hurt you (Y/N)...I love you and only you..."

"And I love you too Jim...even after you break my heart but I can't trust what you cheated on me..."

"Can we start again...just me, you and the baby...we can be a proper family...and I promise I'll be faithful to you and only you, your my world, my everything...I can't live without you..."

"I would love to be a family Jim said you'd be faithful to me 6 months ago and you couldn't keep that can I trust what your saying to do I know you won't break my heart and our baby's heart..."

"I'll do anything...I'll show you that I can be trusted...please just give me a chance...I can't lose you (Y/N)...your the best thing that's ever happened to me...please, I'm begging, can we be a family???"

"...okay...but this is your last chance..."

"I promise, I won't screw it up...your my everything..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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