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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


The last time you spoke to Jim, the two of you had argued. Jim had came home and told you that he was going on a five year mission, you could see how excited he was at this opportunity and you were happy for him but you would have to stay on earth and look after your 11 year old son and 1 month old daughter by yourself with no idea if your husband could ever return to you. The last time you and Jim spoke, he told you he wanted a divorce, and in the heat of the agreed.

For those five years, you regretted ever meeting Jim because then you wouldn't have to be heart broken over the fact you separated from him, you wouldn't have to cry about possibly never seeing or speaking to him again. You wish you never fell for Jim Kirk because then your children wouldn't have to grow up without a father. Your son Andrew loved spending time with his dad, he got to create a father-son bond with him for the eleven years but that bond was shattered because for the next five years of his life, he had to grow up with no one to look up to, he had you but you didn't know how teenage boys worked, when he had a tantrum, you didn't know how to calm him down or give him advice about girls or anything like that. Your relationship with your son was broken all because Jim was gone.

As for your daughter Anna, she didn't know who Jim was to her, you showed her pictures and videos of him but she didn't understand that he was her dad, to her, he was just a picture on the wall, he had no meaning to her. You remembered that when you were young, you were a daddies girl, there was nothing your dad wouldn't do to make you happy but Anna wouldn't have that, for her, you and Andrew was all she had, all she broke your heart to see your children being so effected by Jim's absence, you wanted him back, you wanted to be a family again but you didn't know if he'd ever come back and even if he did...would he even take you back???

It had been five years since your divorce, since Jim left. Andrew and Anna were both at school and you were at home since today was your day off. You planned to clean the house up when there was a knock at the door. You walked to the front door and opened it, tears started to fall from your eyes when you saw your ex-husband with a bunch of flowers standing staring at you. He held out the flowers and you hesitantly took them, he then got down on one knee right in front of you.

"(Y/N)...I'm so sorry, I'm a complete jerk for leaving you like I did...I understand if you have moved on but I just have to tell you...for the five years I've been gone, there wasn't a day that I didn't regret the way I left...(Y/N), I know it might be 5 years to late but please let me fix this...will you be my wife again???"

You crouched down and hugged Jim tightly, the two of you just sat there hugging and crying, the two of you loved each other and you couldn't deny that. You eventually whispered yes into Jim's ear and he kissed you softly yet passionately. This was what you had been waiting for, to feel his lips back on yours, this felt right.

You both stood up and you led Jim into the house, you helped him unpack his things and then the two of you sat down and talked. You talked about everything, Jim told you about his mission and you told him about your children, you told him how Andrew had become a moody teen that didn't listen and hated everyone and how Anna was an adorable little angel who didn't know who Jim was to her. You could see that Jim was upset about not being there for his kids, but he was here know and the two of you were going to make things right again. This broken family could be fixed and you were going to prove it.

"Mum, we're home..."

"Can you two come here for a moment"

Andrew and Anna walked into the kitchen where you and Jim had been talking and you saw there expressions changing. Anna became shy at this stranger in her home, it was one thing seeing a picture but having the person there must have been a little frightening to the five year old, Andrew on the other hand went to looking angry, he knew exactly who was in the kitchen, it was the man that abandoned him when he needed him most.

"What is HE doing here???"

"Why don't you two sit down so the four of us can talk..."

Anna quickly ran to you and you sat here on your lap, she cuddled into you. Andrew didn't move, he stayed where he was.

"No...I don't want to talk to HIM"

"Son, please let me expla..."

"NO!!! You abandoned abandoned Anna...I am ASHAMED to be your don't get to explain anything"

Andrew then ran up to his room and slammed the door, you would have ran after him but you knew he'd just bite your head off, you decided to give him some space...for now, you would let Anna and Jim get to know each other since the last time they met, Anna was just a new born baby.

"Anna...sweetie...this is your daddy"

She looked over at Jim before cuddling into you more. You rubbed her back to calm her, she was just a bit scared but hopefully, given time, she wouldn't be.

"Hi've grown...the last time I saw you, you were just a baby"

Slowly, the more Jim spoke to her, the more she became her happy self, after a few hours she was sitting on Jim's lap telling him what she'd done at school that day, it was incredible how the two of them barely knew each other yet could bond like they had been together forever. You chose this opportunity to go up to Andrew and see him, you knocked on his door before entering, you found him lying on his bed playing with his phone. You walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, Andrew didn't even look away from his screen the entire time you'd been there.

"So...what do you want for dinner???"

"How do you do that???"

"Do what???"

"Act so normal when he left you for 5 years"

"I guess...I love him and even though I have had to hurt for so I get the chance to have my family back"

"Your not angry at him???"

"I am...but I can't let anger rule my life"

"I don't know if I'll ever forgive him"

"Maybe you won't...but can you at least give it a try...he really wants to reconnect with you"

"I suppose"

"Thank you"

You pulled him into a hug and was pleasantly surprised when he didn't resist against you.

"I love you mum"

"I love you too baby"

That night, the four of you ordered pizza and had family time. This was the start of your family healing itself, it would take time but one day life would feel normal again. Jim had decided to become an admiral for Starfleet so that he'd never have to leave you three behind, he'd missed out on so much of your lives that he never wanted to leave you like that, he wanted to be the husband and father he was supposed to be.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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