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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


So recently, the captain had the bright idea to start a dating website for the crew of the enterprise. He said he wanted you all to get to know each other better since we were going to with one another for a whole 5 years, everyone took this as him basically saying he wanted to meet woman on the ship and needed an excuse to do so...typical Kirk. Anyway, at first you were against the whole idea of a dating site for the crew, you believed more in finding love through meeting people and interacting with someone not by typing responses through a screen to one another, however, in saying night after a hard days work, you wanted to relax and so you read your books and watched some of your programmes but the thing was, you'd read that book 6 times this week, and that programme was a re-run that you had watched many times simple terms, you were bored and had ran out of things to do on this ship, this called for your last resort, checking out this dating site, you never know...maybe you would meet someone and become great friends.

Hello there,
Welcome to the USS Enterprise Dating Facility. Tired of being single??? Want to find, the one??? Well you've come to the right place, simple fill in some simple questions and start chatting to your perfect match, let's spread the love.
Kirk out...

Well that was short and sweet...and slightly stupid, but you decided to continue anyway. The first step was to pick a wanted it to be something original, something had it, '(insert your username)' was perfect. The next thing you had to do was answer some questions about you, it was very simple and so, soon you were waiting for the site to connect you to someone, eventually it connected and you had been partnered with a '95wizkid2', what kind of username was that?! After you got over the unusual name after reminding yourself not to judge a noticed that the wiz kid had sent you a message.

95wizkid2: hi 😊

You: hello 🙂

95wizkid2: so, what brought you to the site?

You: boredom...what about you?

95wizkid2: same reason as you I suppose

You: i hope you don't mind me asking, but, how old are you?

95wizkid2: old are you?

You: 20...but my birthday is next week

95wizkid2: I'll have to get you a present then 😊

You: that would be difficult since we haven't most likely met each other

95wizkid2: well then, we'll need to get to know one another so that we can meet next week

You: we will, won't we 😊

And so you and the wiz kid just talked and talked all night and you had to admit, this dating site thing, wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You managed to get to know wiz kid and it felt like you'd been friends for years and had no idea if you had ever met before but you were excited to see if you had or not and so, the two of your decided to meet up on the bridge a few nights later...everyone else had gone to sleep so the ship was fairly quite, you made your way to the bridge and stopped just out side the door.

You were nervous...on the other side of the door would be someone you who you know but at the same time you don' was weird, the thought of putting a name to a entered the bridge and looked around...there was only one person in there and the were sitting faced away from you in the navigators chair.

"I'm guessing your the wiz kid then..."

They stood up and faced you as you spoke. And you had to say, you were slightly glad at who turned around.

"Pavel?! Your the wiz kid???"

"Yez...and your (username)..."

" is it, we just spoke to each other during our shifts and had no idea..."

"I haff no idea...I zought you veren't into ze whole dating zing..."

"I'm not...but a certain someone has changed my mind..."

"Oh really, and who might zat be???"

"The captain of course..."


"Haha...I'm kidding, you changed my mind about the site Pavel...after talking to you, I realised just how helpful it was to talk to was so easy to talk to you online...and now, it makes it so much easier to talk to you in person"

"I know how you veel...vhich iz vhy I vaunted to tell you zomezing...(Y/N), I haff had ze biggest crush on you zince the day I laid eyes on you...and after ze lazt few nights ve haff spent talking...I feel like I have fallen deeper in lowve with you..."

"Well why don't we keep this chatting thing going, see where it leads us 😉"

"Zat sounds like a plan, princezz"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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