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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Hi, can I get a vodka shot"

"Make that two, here shots on me"

"Her shots on her actually"

"Come on I'm just trying to be gentleman...buying a gorgeous woman a shot"

"Well she's not interested"

"Don't you at least wanna know my name before you completely reject me???"

"Not really"

"Well I'm gonna tell you anyway...I'm Jim Kirk"

"Good for you"

"So you gonna tell me your name or am I gonna have to guess it"

"It's (Y/N)"

"No way!!! That was the name I was gonna guess"

You couldn't help but smile at this guy trying to flirt with you. You liked the fact he wasn't giving up, he was committed and the best part was, he was good looking so you didn't mind him wanting to drink with you. You ended up drinking with Jim all night and it was one of the greatest nights you'd every had, you'd originally come in to the bar to drown your sorrows as you had just lost your job as a nurse at the local hospital, you were the younger of all the nurses on the ward and non of your co-workers liked you, they all said you weren't experienced enough and so they all ganged together to get you fired. Now, you didn't have a plan of what to do next, after medical school you'd went straight to working at the hospital and hadn't given any other employment a second thought so now you were here is this bar chatting to a handsome guy, you didn't know where the night would go but you just went with it, you were enjoying yourself for the first time in a long time.

After quite a few shots and beers you decided it was time to head home, Jim offered to walk you and you let him. The two of you staggered through the streets to your home, you eventually made it to the front door in one piece but the two of you couldn't stop laughing at the fact you couldn't get the key into the lock, you eventually managed to get the door unlocked and turned to Jim. You didn't think, you just acted and kissed him. He didn't resist the kiss but encouraged it, you put your arms around his neck and his hand went to your hips, while still kissing, you lead Jim into the house, you kicked the front door shut before heading towards your bedroom 😉😉😉.

*time skip because this cadet is trying to save the bridge*

The next morning you woke up to sunshine beaming through the window onto your face, you looked to beside you to find Jim fast asleep, you thought back to what had happened the night before and it was kind of blurry, what didn't help was that your had a painful head ache from all the drinking, note to self: lay off alcohol for a while. A few moments after you woke up you noticed Jim starting to stir in his sleep before he actually woke up, you both looked at each other and then burst into laughter at your situation, last night you were playing hard to get and this morning you were lying in bed with the guy, you had to admit though, it was a wonderful night.

"So...what do we do know???"

"Well usually I would have left before you woke up and never called you again but here we are"

"Are you gonna leave and never talk to me again???"

"I can't...your different"

"Different in a good way or a bad one"

"In an amazing one"

Jim then leaned forward and kissed you, he place a hand on your cheek, you stayed like this for a while. You started to understand what Jim was talking about. Normally with a guy, you'd date him and he'd break your heart and you'd eventually you'd get over him and move on to the next guy but something was telling you that Jim wouldn't do that to you, something told you that you two were meant to be together.

*5 years into the future*

"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride..."

You and Jim kissed for the first time as a married couple, for the past 5 years you had stood by each other. From the first day you met to you both knew this relationship was special and now you were married till death do you was the happy ending you'd always dreamed of.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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