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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Today in the medbay, it was very quite which was unusual because there's usually something that happens and a nurse or doctor is required. You weren't complaining or anything, the free time gave you a chance to plan what you could do after your shift, it was just that you were concerned that this was the calm before the storm. You decided to keep yourself busy, you would check on the hypo checked off and nearly placed the hypos making sure all were accounted for when you heard the CMO's door open.

"Umm...Nurse (Y/L/N)...can you come in to my office quickly..."

"I'll be right there sir, I'll just put this stuff away..."

"Just leave that quickly, its urgent.

You placed the hypos down and walked over to the office as soon as you got to the door Bones grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the office before quickly slamming the door.

"What can I help you with Bones???"

You noticed that Bones seemed stressed about were about to find out why...

"Darlin' you may wanna turn around"

From the tone of his voice, you felt your heart starting to race. Slowly, you turned around to see what was behind you, and when you did, you suddenly understood why Bones was stressed...tribbles...and not one or two...multiples, which kept multiplying and multiplying.

"Oh my...Bones why the hell do you have so many tribbles in your office???"

" remember the tribble I revived using khans blood???"

"I don't like where this is gong"

"Well...uhh...I may have forgot to get rid of it and well...this has happened."

"How do you forget about a tribble???"

"Well I'm sorry that my mind was pre-occupied with saving our captains life..."

"Oh so, you couldn't of asked someone else to deal with it???"

"...I never thought of that..."

", how are we gonna get rid of them all now???"

"I have no idea..."

"Should we tell the captain???"

"No, no, no...we have everything under control..."

"If you say so sir..."

The two of you spent sometime trying to figure out how to get rid of the tribbles before the multiplied first you were thinking of euthanasia on them, but that would take along time and possibly not enough supplies, no to mention that you would still have hundreds of tribble corpse to dispose of. You thought of throwing them out the airlock but you felt that the other members of the crew would notice a whole load of tribbles floating around in space.

Attention all crew, this is your captain prepared for impact as we are under attack by a Klingon ship...Kirk out.

Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner.

"We could always beam them over to our little guests..."

"That's genius darlin'..."

The two of you ran to the transport room, making sure to lock Bones office door before leaving the medical bay. When you reached the transport room, you told the redshirt to beam the life-forms in Bones office, over to the Klingon ship, at first the redshirt seemed really confused by your request but didn't judge, and did as they were told. You and bones ran back to the his office to check and luckily, when you got back, the office was tribbles free...woohoo!!!

Attention all crew, this is your captain...the Klingon ship appears to be retreating...Kirk out"

"We did it..."

"We sure did darlin'"


You then found yourself hugging bones, you couldn't believe the plan actually worked. As you pulled away from Bones, you found yourselves staring into on another's eyes and with out a single word both leaned in closer to one another, till your lips finally met in a tender kiss. You then stopped kissing and returned to looking deeply into one another's eyes.

"That was..."


"Yeah...we should do it again some time..."

"Sounds great..."

And once again you found yourselves leaning in for another tender kiss, but this time, it started to get more passionate, it was incredible.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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