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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @mistakecentral :Your writing is amazing, I have a request if it's not too much. I'm quite sick at the moment, so I thought I'd request a Spock x sick!Reader where the reader is sick with the flu but the reader refuses to rest. Spock becomes worried and over protective and takes her to his quarters to take care if the reader. Sorry for this being so long!

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


When I woke up this morning the last thing I thought I'd be feeling was sick but guess what, I'm ill. I can't stop coughing and sneezing, it's so annoying...I just want to sleep but I can't, I've never taken a day off in my entire starfleet career and I don't intend to today...I'll just have o suck it up and get in with it. I got dressed and did my hair before heading to engineering to start my shift. When I arrived in engineering I bumped into Scotty.

"Hey Scotty *achoo*"

"Hello lass, you feeling ok??? Nae offence but you dinnae look raw geed"

"Oh I'm fine, just a cold that's all...it'll be gone *achoo* soon"

"If you say so...anyway, wid ye mind taken these files tar Spock, he's been badgering me fer them fer the last few weeks"

"Sure thing *achoo* Scotty"

I took the files that Scotty held out for me before making my way out of engineering and towards the bridge, all the way I was sneezing like crazy but I didn't let that faze me...I had a job to do, and I wasn't letting a runny nose distract me from that. I entered the bridge and made my way over to Spock.

"Commander *achoo* Spock, Scotty asked me to *achoo* bring these to you *achoo*"

"Thank you Miss (Y/L/N), pardon me for asking, but I couldn't help but notice that you appear to be showing signs of some sort of illness...is it wise for you to be working???"

"I've got the cold, but it looks worse than it is...I'm fine, I promise Commander"

*timeskip because I'm counting of it Lieutenant Uhura...*

*Spock's POV*

I'm deeply concerned about (Y/N), for the last few days she appears to be suffering from an illness known as a 'cold'. She tells me that I am not to worry but I find myself unable not to worry about her. (Y/N) has appeared to have taken a special place in my heart and so I want only for her to be safe and healthy but unfortunately she will not allow for me to help her, I feel I must take a more direct approach to helping her.

*Your POV*

I had just finished my shift and was heading to my quarters when I felt someone pick me up off the ground, they had some how managed to lift me over their shoulder before I had a chance to see who they were, all I knew was that they wore a blue shirt. I found myself to tired to protest so simply went with whatever was happening. Eventually the person had stopped outside a room, they entered their passcode before entering the room, they place me on the bed before switching on the light, I then realised who had lifted me.


"Please allow me to explain, for the last few days I have observed that your condition seems to be getting worse rather than getting better as you had previously indicated to me. (Y/N), I must inform you that I care deeply for you and I do not wish to see you suffer as you have done for the past few days, that is why I have brought you to my quarters...I will be taking care of you until you have recovered, I have informed both the Captain and Mr Scott of your absence for the next week"

"But Spock, you don't understand..."

"You feel you are unable to take a day of absence due to your perfect attendance record...I have reviewed your file and have duly noted that you have not taken a day off even when you are advised by doctors to do so, and even though this may cause you to feel negatively towards me, I must remind you that I only do this out of love and respect for you, so I urge you to allow me to help you..."

"Fine...but for the record, I hate you"

"And I love you too"


Hope you enjoyed it. 

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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