Bones (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 to the previous Bones imagine. Hope you like it. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


After a whole month of waiting, shore leave was finally here. Finally you could go on your date with Bones, this shore leave was only for one day so you were determined to make the most of it, you got up at 6.30am and started to get ready, you had set out you outfit the previous night, so now you just had to take a shower, get dressed and do hair and makeup.

30am and started to get ready, you had set out you outfit the previous night, so now you just had to take a shower, get dressed and do hair and makeup

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You were ready by 8.00am, Kirk, sent a ship wide broadcast stating that we could now leave the enterprise for our leave but must return to the ship by 10.00pm tonight, if not we would be left behind and have to wait for Starfleet to recover us. After the broadcast was over I headed towards the transport room. Bones and I had planned to meet each other on the planet, whoever got there first would wait for the other one to arrive. I was beamed down to the surface of the planet. It looked similar to earth only the sky appeared to be red instead of blue and the native were defiantly not look human but they were definitely welcoming. I looked around and Bones was no where to be seem so I stood beside a tree and took out my PADD to read while  I waited. After reading a few pages I felt someone's arms wrap around your waist. You turned around to and saw it was Bones.

"Ready for our date Darlin'???"


You linked arm and headed towards the market stalls. There were so many exotic items to see, your attention was caught by something shining in the sun, you grabbed Bones's hand and ran to the object, it was a beautiful golden necklace.

You asked the stall owner about the necklace, he said it was handcrafted by a local crafter, the stones of the necklace had been sourced inside the ancient tombs of a near by village, it was said to bring happiness to whoever wore it

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You asked the stall owner about the necklace, he said it was handcrafted by a local crafter, the stones of the necklace had been sourced inside the ancient tombs of a near by village, it was said to bring happiness to whoever wore it. I was in awe of it, it was so beautiful, Bones could see how much I adored the necklace, he wanted to make you happy so he bought it for you.

"How much for the necklace???"

"300 credits"

"I'll take it."

"Bones, seriously you don't have to do that..."

"But I want's 500 credit, keep the let me put it on for you."

Bones put the necklace around your neck, you couldn't help but smile, you instantly hugged Bones and returned the hug. When you stopped hugging you decided to look for somewhere to have lunch, you found a cafe and chose to sit outside in the sunshine. You and Bones talked about what else you wanted to do for the day, you both decided to go to the beach so after having lunch you headed to the beach, you bought a beach towel from one of the shops along with a bucket and spade. At the beach you built sand castles and paddled in the ocean, when sun started to set you both lay on the beach towel and watched.

"You know (Y/N), this has been the first date I've been on in a long time. I've had a lot of fun today and I'm glad I could spend it with you."

You blushed slightly.

"(Y/N) can we make this official...can I finally call you my girlfriend???"

"I'd like that."

And on that note you brought your lips to his in a passionate kiss. You broke apart to see the sun disappear completely...this was definitely one of the best dates ever.


I hope you liked it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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