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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by JessicaHarris924 :Could you please possibly do one were the reader and Scotty have a drinking game with each other but the two end up becoming drunk and drunkenly admits to each other that they love one another?

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 47k reads on this book, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


"Your going to lose Scotty"

"Yer gonna eat yer words lass, I never lose"

"First time for everything"

You and Scotty were in engineering for the night shift and to pass the time you had brought some scotch you'd found and thought you could both play a little game. You were going to see who could have the most shots...there was no real reason for the game, you just like spending time with Scotty. After a lot of alcohol was consumed, you and Scotty started wandering the department, but in your drunken states you found yourself walking into the machinery, you were both convinced that someone had moved it in front of you.

"I bet you, we'll regret this tomorrow..."

"Probably...but who cares, the only person that opinions matter to me is you lass, and since yer here I dinnae care aboot termorri"

"You care about my opinion...aww Scotty I care about yours"

"Yeah see, that's what I love aboot 'e, yer always so sweet and kind"

"You love me???"

"I always have...yer perfect"

You were unable to control yourself as you leaned forward and captured scottys lips with yours. His hands went to your waist while you rested your hands on his chest, the kiss was passionate and felt so right. You both pulled back after remembering it was important to breath.

"Scotty...I love you too"

"Will ye go oot wi me then???"

"Of course...but in case I forget, can you remind me tomorrow"

"I'll try tae but there's nae guarantee I'll remember either lass"

"Well then, you just have to stay in my bed as a reminder"

"With pleasure lass"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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