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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Trackforlife123 :Could you make a Spock X Reader please? I don't care what is in it or what happens, Thank You!

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S thank you for over 12k reads on this book 😄😄😄 it means so much ❤️)

"Hey Jim...have you seen Spock anywhere??? I can't find him"

"I saw him earlier...he said he needed to go see Scotty about something...why don't you go try engineering"


You walked down to engineering, you looked around for Scotty and eventually found him under a control panel. You tapped his shoulder but he got a fright and banged his head on the panel.

"What the..."

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry Scotty..."

"No worries lass, just an occupational hazard I suppose...what can I dae fir you???"

"I'm looking for Spock...I asked Jim and he said he was down here with you"

"Well I'm sorry lass but Spock has nae been deen here since this morning...last I heard, he was gan tae talk tae Bones, why no try the Medbay???"

"Worth a try i suppose..."

You headed out of engineering towards the Medbay and you felt quite sad...today was your 1 year anniversary of when you and Spock started dating...all you wanted was to spend a bit of time with him but he appeared to be busy...you weren't going to give up though, you just hoped you'd find him with Bones. You walked into the Medbay and saw Bones looking at his PADD, you walked over to him.

"Hey grumpy..."

"What do you want kid???"

"Have you seen Spock??? I can't find him"

"You just missed the hobgoblin himself...he was heading to the bridge to talk to Jim"


You stormed out of the Medbay and back towards the bridge...were you'd started this wild Vulcan chase. You got into the turbo lift and prayed he'd still be here. The doors to the lift opened and...


"What the..."

You saw all your friends standing smiling at you, how did Bones get here before you??? You were shocked at what was happening and then you saw Spock walking towards you holding a bunch of flowers.

"Did you plan all this???"

"As a matter of fact I did...I felt it appropriate to express the love we have shared for the past year in the human gesture of a surprise party...do you like it???"

"Spock...I love it, thank you...your so sweet"

You hugged Spock and then pulled his lips to yours to share a loving kiss, you could hear people 'aww'ing at this. You were slightly surprised when Spock stopped the kiss short and stepped away from you, you felt a little hurt by this movement but then remembered, he probably didn't realise the emotion that act would cause you. You watched Spock stand there staring at you for a moment then something you didn't expect happened, he got down on one knee and took out a box. He opened the box and presented you with a gorgeous ring.

"(Y/N), since the day I first encountered you I knew you were unique

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"(Y/N), since the day I first encountered you I knew you were unique...you made me feel emotions I had never experienced before...I believe that we are destined for one another so that is why on this day, exactly one year after you agreed to be with me, I ask you another question...(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me???"

"Oh Spock...of course I will"

Spock stood up and slid the ring on your finger, he then pulled your lips to his and kissed you with more emotion than he'd ever shown before.

"Spock...I love you"

"And I love you too (Y/N)"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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