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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @JessicaHarris924 :Could you please do one on the reader being sick but she go's to work anyway but when bones see that she's sick he tried to make her go to the sickbay, but she refuses to go so bones just picks her up and takes her there himself telling her it's all out of love.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!



You turned the alarm off and slowly sat up...last night you had barely slept, you kept waking up because your nose was blocked making it hard for you to breath, on top off that, every few hours you got up to be sick because you'd gotten some sort of tummy wasn't going to be a good day, if this had been any other would have taken a few days off to recover but today was no normal day. Today you had to finish your report on living organisms, Commander Spock was expecting it by the end of your shift and you still hadn't finished it, as well as the fact, the Captain wanted you to train some of the new recruits in how to tell the difference between species, you were the only person available for the job and you couldn't disappoint...but also you need to help Scotty get rid of a plant that had somehow grown on to the warp had a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it.

You got up and dressed, you then headed to engineering to help Scotty as you felt his request would be easier to deal with...oh how wrong you were. When Scotty had said something was growing on the warp core, in your head you thought of climbing plants and moss...what you didn't expect was a Venus fly trap-like beauts that was trying to eat you. You eventually managed to immobilise the thing and had a redshirt take it to the lab as Spock would most likely want to take a look at it. You next headed to the bridge to finish your report, all the way there you were sneezing and coughing and trying to stop your self from throwing felt horrible but you just had to keep going. You entered the bridge and headed over to your station however before you got to your seat, you were stopped by bones who was talking to Jim.

"(Y/N), you look like crap...I'll see you in the Medbay for a check-up"

"And I'll see myself to my station"

"I don't think so Darlin'...your sick, you need to rest"

"I can't...I have stuff to do"

"Well leave me no choice"

You had started to walk away from Bones but suddenly you found yourself being lifted off the ground and upside down...Bones had picked you up and lifted you over his shoulder.

"BONES!!! Put me down NOW!!!"

"Oh, I'll put you soon as we get to the Medbay"

"Grrrh...I hate you!!!"

"And I love you too Darlin'"

You tried to get out of his grip but it was no use...he was a lot stronger than you. You eventually gave up struggling and just accepted the fact you were going to have to go to the Medbay. The walk to the Medbay took what felt like forever, but that's probably cause your sick and time is just confusing at this point. Bones placed you down on a bed and you simple folded your arms and avoided looking at thanks to him, your report would be late and the recruits wouldn't learn anything. Bones simply ignored your little tantrum and scanned you with a had caught a desease, most likely from the last away mission you were on...the cure would be a simple hypo...but it wouldn't be as simple as had a fear of hypos.

"Bones, don't even think about touching me with that hypo or I swear to god I will..."

"You'll what???"


" hold still"

"No...please don't"

"(Y/N), Darlin', you've got to be brave okay??? It'll be over before you know it"

Bones then kissed your lips which caught you off started to really enjoy the kiss when...


"It's all out of love Darlin'...all out of love"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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