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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. thank you so much for over 37k reads ❤️❤️❤️ and once again, I'm really sorry I didn't have an imagine up yesterday 😊😊😊)


You were lying in bed happily dreaming away with your boyfriend Pavel sleeping peacefully beside you. That was, at least, until you felt him quickly stand up and rush to the bathroom...the sudden movement made you sit up and look over to him, he had shut the door behind him but you could still here him being sick. You instantly got out of bed and walked over to the door, when it went quite you gently knocked on the door before entering, where you were met by Pavel sitting curled up on the floor in tears. You sat down beside him and pulled him into a cuddle, you hated seeing him like this.

"It's okay Pasha, your okay..."

"I'm zorry..."

"Hey, there's no need to be sorry...things like this happen..."

Pavel just sat cuddled into you.

"Maybe we should go to the medbay, get bones to look you over..."


You helped Pavel stand up and go out the bathroom, the two of you got ready before heading to the medbay. When you arrived, you sat Pavel down on one of the beds before going to find Bones, you found him in his office looking through a pile of papers.

"Hey Leo, you busy???"

"Just a bit...what do you want"

"Uhh, well, Pavel's been sick and I don't know what to do so I was wondering if you could check him..."

"Can't you get another doctor..."

"Bones please..."

"Fine, but you have to help me with this paperwork afterwards..."

"Sure thing boss"

"Lead the way"

You guided Bones over to Pavel where he ran some tests. After what felt like forever, Bones finally came up with a conclusion.

"Well kid, it seems you've just got a sickness bug...nothing deadly, just really'll need to rest for a while and stick to basic, plain foods and you should be better in no time..."

"How long vill it take for me to get better???"

"Could be a couple days, could be a couple of weeks, you never can tell...just hang in there...and besides, I'm sure (Y/N) will be happy to look after you for now"

"I thought you wanted help with that paperwork"

"You can help next time, for now, get that poor kid to his bed"

"Yes sir"

You helped Pavel back to your shared quarters and back into bed and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he fell just hoped he'd get well soon, you hated seeing people being sick, especially the boy you loved so dearly, but hopefully by taking care of him, he'll be better in no time at all.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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