Chapter 4

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-Hayley's POV-

The music was loud and the bass vibrated through my body, making it feel as if my pulse had become the music. I tipped my head back and continued to let the ice cold beer slid down my throat into my blood stream. This is what I needed. A distraction. I needed to let go and live my life. I was finally free from the hell of a mother that I had been counting down the days for since the divorice. I was finally on my own, out in the world. Living the life I wanted to be living with my own rules, restricions, and consequences. This was my life. And, dammit, I wanted to live it the way I wanted too.

My hips found courage, swaying back and forth in sexual circles. The music's invisible hands guiding me, making me feel the way I had always craved: freely. I laughed with the group of drunken people around me. I didn't know any of them very well, only slightly. Barely even knew their names, but they were fun. I felt light. The buzz pulsing through me. I loved it. My mind was clouded but not with jumbled thought of college, classes, boyfriends, no it was clouded by the fact that I truly did not give one shit about what I did.

"Hayley!" I turned around to see McKenna holding out a shot glass filled with a green liquid. "Come on! Take a shot."


I pulled myself away from the small crowd of dancers and reached out for the welcoming green pain remover in a glass shot. I tipped my head back and felt the burn engulf my throat. Only to make my head spin a little faster and the ground under me begin to sway.

"Hey you okay?" Matt asked, who had suddenly appeared right next to McKenna. How long has he been there? Surely not long.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I eyed the fridge behind him that seemed to do some sort of a belly dance.

"You're a god awful liar." Matt laughed as he grabbed a red cup and filled it with the water pouring from the sink faucet. "Drink one or two of these before you decide to drink any more alcohol."

"I'm fine really." I say pushing the cup away from my face. I didn't want to remember any of this. I didn't want to feel anything. I wanted to lose my mind. I wanted to be plastered right now. I wanted an excuse to ignore Niall. I needed an excuse to ignore Niall.


No I don't!

Niall left me. Why do I need to have an excuse? I left simply because I was tired of his moods and his actions. I was tired of being left and feeling like the scum of the Earth. I was tired of feeling like an option. But truly I was tired of being okay with it.

Why was I thinking of Niall again?

I had got to stop that.

I took the cup from Matt after he scolded me again; but when he turned his back I tossed the fill cup to the side and slipped my fingers around the half full bottle of vodka and made my way out of the room.


-Niall's POV-

I drummed my fingers against the dash impatiently. My phone pressed against my ear, calling Hayley for the millionth time.

"Fuck." I mumbled a tossed the phone into the passenger side seat. Where the hell did she go? My mind immediately raced to Chris but I knew she wasn't there. She wasn't with him. She's not that stupid. 

Dammit Niall, she's not stupid at all.

I groaned and honked angrily at the car in front of me. Curse words flew from my mouth to the windshield before me. The I heard the familiar vibrating sound come from the seat beside me. I lunged for my phone and read the name.

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