Chapter 27

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-Niall's POV-

"Anyway, yeah, Matt and McKenna are finally official and all. They are so adorable, I swear." Hayley cried with a grin. I don't understand why she loved them together so much. She did the same thing with Zayn and Perrie.

"That's typically what a real relationship looks like." Ryan mumbled with his beer pressed to his lips.

"Excuse me?" I said through clenched teeth.

"I said that's typically what a real relationship looks like." Ryan repeated staring me down.

My hands balled into tight fists on top of the cold table top. I held my breath trying to control myself from jumping across this table. Can he not shut the fuck up for once? I didn't even do anything. All I did was sit here a cooperate. For Christ's sake was being civil too much to fucking ask for?

"Can we not be adults about this?" I snapped getting to my feet.

"Niall.. calm." Hayley hissed but I couldn't. I was too busy staring back at Ryan with hateful eyes.

Ryan rolled his eyes and slammed his beer against the table top. "Why are you still around? You already ruined this family. You have put Hayley out there in the world, in the face of danger and jealousy. What more can you fuck up?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" Hayley yelled covering Logan's ears in the process.

Only a small sliver of self control remained in me, keeping me from ringing that mutherfucker's neck. "Don't you dare act like this family wasn't on the verge of total chaos before I came into it! Let alone that you give a shit about Hayley!" I shouted back.

"Niall!" Hayley scowled but I ignored her. I was too focused on the dick in front of me, who was just as fuming as I was.

"The only good thing you have done for this family was get rid of that piece of shit they called a father!"

Gasps filled the room, including my own.

"Ryan!" Ms. Hunter spoke harshly, pointing down the hall away from us. Her eyes were furious and her lips were pressed into a fine line trying not to break into an angry fury. "Now!" Ryan continued to glare at me as he made his way back to the hall.

"Niall, we can leave. This was a bad idea anyway." Hayley rushed as she shook her head back and forth.

I looked past her at Logan whose face drooped slowly. His brown eyes seemed to study the ,able table top before him.

"No. It's fine. I can be civil." I mumbled for Logan's sake.

"Civil?" She asked throwing her hand in the air. "Civil went out the window and has been hit by at least twenty buses by now. That was gone as soon as you opened your mouth."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course. Now we're back to arguing. "Me? Excuse you but Ryan is the one that started all this." I snapped.

"I know that but for Christ's sake you could have tried to let it roll off your back."

"I'm fucking sick of his sick accusations!"

"Stop cursing! Logan is here and I do not want you cursing at me!" Hayley yelled at me as she threw her hands around in meaningless signals.

"Well shit happens in life that we don't really want. For example, you and fucking Chris." I blurted without thinking, instantly regretting it.

She glared at me. "Wow. Classic." She scowled and removed herself from her seat and calmly walked away.

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