Chapter 83

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-Niall's POV-

"She is everything you could ever ask for in a woman." My dad said to me. We were sitting in his kitchen sharing a pint when I brought up my previous thoughts to propose to Hayley.

I didn't reply to him at first. instead, I stood there quietly, letting the alcohol sink into my system.

"Do you think we're too young?"

Dad stiffened. It was obvious which meant it was an obvious yes. His weight shifted back and forth before settling on the same leg as it had been previously,  a nervous habit he always had. His hand rubbed the back of his neck and tugged at what little hair he had left. A habit that he had passed onto both, Greg and I.

"You're twenty-one, Niall." he started before pressing his lips into a thin line. "and Hayley is what, going to be twenty? That is so young."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. Marriage was a stupid idea. it sounded great when the boys offered it. Zayn and Perrie were happy and I figured Hayley and I would do the same.

"But," Dad continued. "You two have been through more hell than I ever went through with your mother."

"You and mum didn't exactly work out." I pointed out.

Dad glared at me and held up a hand. "Let me finish, I didnt work hard enough with your mother. We weren't meant to be together. But you and Hayley are still together. Probably more in love than ever in the past few months, correct?"

I nodded. It's true. Ever since the whole accident thing we decided to talk things through because the thought of losing each other was worse than any physical pain. We had grown clos again. I felt like she lied beside me when I was on the other side of the ocean.

I loved her.

"Marry her." Dad smiled. "She isn't going to say no."


The fire popped and cracked in the fireplace. The summer had vanished quicker than any jet could fly. It was now November.

I sat in Louis' flat with him and Liam. Zayn was visiting Perrie's family with her and Harry was coming back from a date. Ever since the whole Haylor thing, Harry has been paranoid to even consider going on a date. Then he met a girl outside of the hotel after one concert. She was a fan who had been in the nosebleed section at the concert. She explained to Harry that she had been waiting for hours, hoping someone would come out. She didn't want to be rude and sneak past security who wouldn't allow her any further than the front doors. I believe he said her name was Shelby. He talked about her often and he seemed happy. We were all nervous, of course, but supportive.

Louis flicked a piece of lint off his jeans and sighed. "So mate, when do you leave for good ol' America?"

I swallowed what alcohol I had in my mouth before ansering. "Next week."

"Then you stay for about a week, come back, and then go back in a few more weeks for graduation?" HE asked and I nodded.

"Save a flight and just stay there." Liam shrugged.

I shook my head and lauughed lightly. "No, no, I couldn't do that."

"And why not?" They asked in unison.

I stared at them blankely. The answer was obvious, at least to me in was. "One, Hayley has so many last minute things to finish before she walks across the stage and I would be a huge distraction. Two, she is already stressed out more than usual because she's trying to plan the wedding even though she is supposed to be waiting until after graduation. Three, I would have to room in a hotel because she lives with Matt and her dad's house is now occupied. The other house is sold. Four, I'm getting nervous."

Louis tilted his head to the side as a devious smirk took over his face. "Niall James, are you having second thoughts about the lovely Hayley."

Liam held his tongue between his teeth, trying not to laugh.

"This is serious. You are still only dating Eleanor." I pointed out and his smile faded slightly.

"My relationship isn't really approved by many people."

"So?" I asked. "Do whatever makes you happy. Fuck everybody else."

Liam was still holding his tongue while Louis glared at me and smacked the back of Liam's head. "Then you do the same."

"I will." I slouched further in my seat. "By the way, there's a difference between being nervous and having second thoughts."

A strained silence fell over us which was broken by the sound of the doorknob jiggling before falling open. A dimpled face grinning Styles walked through the doorway before fading when he saw the gloomy change in his new destination.

"Hi Harry!" Liam piped from his seat on the ground. He scrunched his nose, looking like an innocent little puppy.

Harry looked at me then Lou before back to Liam. "Uhm, hi," he said slowly, obviously confused judging by the crinkle between his eyebrows. "What happened in here?"

Liam waved his hand like nothing happened. "Nothing that needs to be repeated. How was your date?"

His dimpled smile expanded again as he let his tall lean body collapse into the closest recliner. "I really like her. She is so great and kind and I just, ahhh.."

"When do we meet her?" I asked.

Harry looked at me and smiled a small crooked smile. "How about after you get back from your little Holiday in America. I was going to bring her as my date to the wedding."

"Are you ready for that?" Louis asked glumly.

Harry looked him dead in the eye, "She makes me happy. Why should I hide my feelings? Only two people are going to be in this relationship: Shelby and I."

Harry may not always make sense but as those words feel from his mouth I realized how much he knew about a real relationship. He, like me, had been waiting for the right person to come along and now that she has, he wasn't going to let her just slip away. I admired him for that.

Only a few more months and I would be at the alter with Hayley across from me. She'd be dressed in white, looking beautiful. As much as I like to think otherwise, I know I will be close to tears and she will be the same way. We will be different than our parents. We will work. We won't fall apart and we will never let anyone tear us apart. Distance, time, men, rumors, and lies may have pulled us and controlled us like puppets but we broke free.

We will be free. Together.

I promised that to myself and to Hayley in my heart when we were lying in that old hospital bed, our lips ghosting over each other before her mum came barging in ruining the moment. My heart made the decision before I even knew if I was willing to give her my number.

It's a weird thing to think about but damn, I would never change a single thing about it.

((A/N:  I am so sorry it has been so long!! I'm finally ungrounded so yay. Uhm, the manip on the side was sent to my by allisont131313 so go follow her!:)

and yeah, vote and comment!:)!! ))

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