Chapter 23

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Niall stiffened and tugged at his hair. "What condition?"

I bit my lip and stared at the ground in between us. "Sex." I winced waiting for his outburst but he surprised me. Niall was.. laughing.

"Well, you told him that that shit isn't happening, right."

I said nothing.

"Right?" He prodded but I remained silent. "Hayley?"

I lifted my teary eyes to meet his and immediately his smile faded into a frown. "I'm considering his offer, Niall."


-Hayley's POV-

"What the fuck do you mean that your considering it?!" Niall boomed rising to his feet and immediately started pacing across the room. "That ... that.. fucking freak tried to fucking kill you! And he threatened me! He stalked you, Hayley! Are you forgetting that? He stalked you!"

And with a swing of his arm he sent a decorative vase crashing against the beautiful wooden floors covering the kitchenette. The small pieces of glass slid against the flooring and hide beneath the carpet and rugs.

"Oh, remember when I said that all he wanted was to get in your pants and you denied it, what how many times? A dozen, at least, do you remember that?" His eyes were wide and dark and nearly crazy. I didn't know who this guy was. But I knew that I was asking for it as soon as I stopped walking on my way to leadership.

"Oh we're just friends, Niall. He doesn't like me that way, Niall." He mocked me in a high squeaky voice before returning to his deep angry growl. "Bull fucking shit! Guess who was right, Hayley. Yep, the crazy over protective jealous boyfriend was right."

"Please stop." I whispered from my position on the carpeted floor. My knees were tucked to my chest, cradling my chin. I sniffed and tried to make myself stop crying. I knew this was my fault. I shouldn't even be considering this, but it's my dad. How could I not?

"Stop? Stop! You want me to stop?!" Niall yelled as he threw his clenched fist against the wall, sending a painting down from it's post. "I'll stop, on one condition..!"

I closed my eyes and my throat constricted involuntarily. "Please.."

"What? Since we're dating we can't have conditions? I can't trade you something for your body? For a chance to get you pregnant? Is that a Chris only kinda thing?" I knew he was angry and I knew he didn't mean the words flying from his mouth, but they still hurt. Each syllable was another arrow to my heart and mind, leaving me closer to being paralyzed with each passing second.

"What if.. if Chris wold get you preganaunt with this one night stand thing, it just a one night thing. Right?"

I nodded dumbly.

"Good. Anyway, if he did what would you do? People would find out that it's not mine and people would start to talk now wouldn't they? That would be tragic, huh?"

I lifted my bloodshot eyes to meet his dark blue that may as well have turned completely black. "Why are you doing this?" I asked simply.

"Because I'm pissed the fuck off, Hayley, that's why!"

"I haven't done anything. And I only said I was considering it, not actually going through it. And it is my dad. Don't you think or feel like after everything I've done that I deserve to know who killed him?" My voice was small, matching the feelings I held inside.

"And what have I done?" Niall snapped back. "I haven't done shit."

"I'm sorry. I just thought I should tell you about this before you found out on your own. And like I said, I'm only considering it. I don't know if I will, but if I do, I will make damn sure it's the best for all of us."

Niall stared back at me blankly for a few more seconds before turning on his heel and walking towards the door leading to the hallway.

"Niall.." I broke out. "Where are you going?" I knew I sounded like a pathetic child whining because they didn't get the toy they wanted at the store.

"Out." Niall snapped sharply. He turned his back to me and started out into the hall way.

"Please..!" I cut after him and he stopped dean in his tracks. "Please don't leave. You said you wouldn't do that anymore."

Niall turned around slowly. I couldn't read his expression but the bags of anger had decreased dramatically. But it was still there. Definitely. He stepped back inot the hotel room and closed the door before belting it shut. "You're right." He stated and then walked into the bedroom.

I followed hesitantly but made no eye contact. I simply grabbed all of my toiletries and prepared myself for the night before exiting the bathroom and grabbing a single pillow from the bed.

Niall sat on the edge with only a long baggy pair of basketball shorts. He lifted his eyes away from the TV to look at me and then back. "Where you going?"

"The couch." I said in a small voice and headed back towards the oversized  couch.

"are you sure? I mean, I can sleep out there.." He offered but I shook my head.

"No. I'm going. Night." I said in quick short sentences.


As I lied on my back with the blankets pulled tightly around me, I ran over the hard night in my head. We had gone from angry, to sad, to pissed. I stared at the ceiling and say whatever song came to my head softly. At least Niall stayed, that shows that he doesn't completely hate me. And then he spoke a few words... that's a god sign right?

Fuck if I know.

All I knew is that I fucked up again and this time, it wouldn't be so easy to patch.

((I'm sorry for the short chapter. I wanted it to be longer but I am literally falling asleep here. Im sorry for typos as well. I think Im gonna go take a nap now. ily xxx  VOTE AND COMMENT))

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