Chapter 92

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- Hayley’s POV-

I shifted my body away from the sun that peeked through the blinds like an ornery child. The warm sheets pulled away from my legs, exposing them to the air that was much too cold for my likening. With a groan I tugged them back over my legs, only for them to be ripped away again.

“Asshole,” I muttered, once again pulling at the sheets and tucking them to my chin.

Niall chuckled for a moment before draping the sheets over my entire body. His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to his bare chest.

“No,” I muttered groggily, “I’m mad at you.”

“You’ve been awake for less than five minutes,” Niall pointed out still refusing to let me go.

“All the more reason to be upset,”

Niall shook his head and sighed. I knew he was rolling his eyes even though I had no desire to open my own.  There was a loud thud followed the sound of marbles scattering across hardwood flooring. A muffled “shit” cut through the still, undisturbed air.

I could feel my body deflate as I thought about what new trials awaited for me today. How many arguments would there be? How much stress would be added to the load? How much more would I fall in love with the man next to me? The fact that the last question still existed in my mind delivered a smile across my face. I somehow knew that no matter how awful the day would go, Niall would be able to fix every flaw with just a smile.

“Do we have to leave this bed?” Niall asked through a yawn and I nodded.

“If we don’t leave soon our house may be destroyed. Remember how long it took for us to find this place?” I opened my eyes just enough to sneak a peek at Niall’s reaction. His eyes were closed, shielding away the sun. His blonde hair was fluffy and messy from the night of restless sleeping and small, scattered patches of stubble lined his chin. The corners of his mouth lifted into a small, content smile. I could see the memories beginning to form in the shelter of his brain.

“How could I forget it?” He asked finally, still not opening his eyes. “It was literally the last place we looked at. You were so upset because nothing was going right and you were so stressed.”

“Shopping itself makes me stressed,” I pointed out, “let alone a house.”

“Well you should have believed in me a little bit more,” Niall teased, his eyes now alert.

I turned completely over onto my side so I was facing him. I pushed my body closer to his, my fingers twisting together with his. “Let’s not talk about that,” I smiled.

“Then what are we talking about?”

“This whole bachelor and bachelorette party,” I gave him a big smile to reassure him that the subject didn’t necessarily have to be an argument.

Niall’s forehead wrinkled and his eyebrows furrowed, “Why?”

“If we talk about this now then we can’t get upset about anything that happens that night.”

I could feel the air shift between us. After months of trying to communicate more and avoid topics that may set the other off, facing this scenario head on was sending Niall into a complete shutdown.

“I’ll start,” I suggested, continuing to weave and unweave our fingers. “What’s your opinion on strippers at your bachelor party?”

Niall shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to answer my question.

“Niall,” I said waiting for him to make eye contact, “I want total honesty.”

Niall shrugged his broad, bare shoulders. “Well,” he said, “It is a bachelor party.”

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