Chapter 12

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-Hayley's POV-

After spending an hour gawking over the beautiful cabin Niall rented for the night, I joined Niall on the couch. His eyes were glued mindlessly to the tv screen with the remote in his hand. I sat on the opposite end with my legs sprawled across his lap. My hands held the romance novel to my face, just low enough to where I could peep over the top and watch Niall. I watched as his facial expressions changed from amused, to disgusted, to indifferent. I pressed my lips together and tried not to laugh. Then I heard a loud, low, gurgling sound. I lifted my eyes to meet Niall's, who blushed into a deep red.

"Jesus, are you hungry?" I teased as I closed the book and set it on my lap. Niall shrugged his shoulders before nodding. "Well c'mon then, let's get something to eat."

His face brightened as I pulled my legs back to me to stand. "Where shall we go?"

"Oh uhm, actually I was thinking we could go to a grocery store.." I said as I slipped my shoes onto my feet. Niall raised an eyebrow at me.

"I haven't cooked for you since summer and, well believe it or not, I actually want to." I admitted.

"Homemade food?" Niall gasped. "Oh my god, I'd love that!"

I laughed. "We'll good because that's what you're getting."


I walked two steps ahead of Niall, just far enough to where he wasn't able to hit the back of my ankles with the cart. Occasionally he would turn his head the opposite direction and "accidentally" run into me.

"Stop it." I scowled, "you're so childish."

"Me?" Niall faked. "How am I childish?"

I glared at him and rolled my eyes, choosing not to answer his question. I took box of spaghetti off the shelf and tossed it into the cart. I always tended to make Italian. I don't know why I just did. maybe it was because it was basically the only thing I knew how to cook well. Cheesy Spaghetti with shrimp was what I planned on preparing. I just hoped it didn't completely fail like last time I made it for my mother.

My mother.

I hadn't talked to her since our last visit. I don't even remember what all happened. Her and Ryan were planning to move out and start a life, taking Logan with them. Why Ryan? Even though she had her faults, I did feel like my mom deserved someone better than Ryan.

I called Logan a few days ago. He said he was doing great. Not ready for the big move, but still doing good. He said how he missed Niall and I. He also had to catch me up with the latest junior high school drama. That child.

After walking up and down the aisles for another half hour, Niall and I finally made our way to the check out line. I noticed how Niall tried to keep his head down as much as he could. I felt a tug at my heart. I didn't want him to feel like he had to hide from his fans. Yes, i understand that he wants privacy but I couldn't help but feel like a lot of it had to deal with me being around.

I handed the lady behind the cash register my debit card when a small girl around the age of eight caught my eye. She was holding her mom's hand in one and clutching a CD in the other. I glanced at her shirt and instantly recognized the five boys.

I pulled on Niall's sleeve until he lifted his head. "Go say hi to her." I smiled as I pointed to the small girl behind me. She was waiting patiently with her mom as the ordered some food to go.

"But it'll cause a scene.." he said quietly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "But it'll make her life." I watched as he glanced cautiously at the girl who was just joined by an older girl that looked about fifteen.

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