Chapter 70

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-Niall's POV-

I ran my  trembling fingers through my hair. All these damn streets looked the same. Thankfully, I was crazy and jealous enough to make sure I knew exactly what street Matt lived on. I wanted to know just in case Hayley ever needed me.

About another block away from the house, the cab I hijacked slowed. The steering wheel grew stiff. I glanced down at the dash.

"No, shit," I cursed and hit the wheel. "no, no, no, no, no!" And then the small needle hit E. The cab continued forwards about three feet before coming a complete involuntary stop.

I hit my hand on the dash as hard as I could and cursed again before throwing the door open. Looks like I was running the rest of the way. I knew this was more than likely a trap. That I was probably too late and Ryan just wanted to see the look on my face when I came to realize that, but the slight possiblity that I was wrong, pushed me to move even faster.

I wanted to call the police but I had no idea how Ryan would react if blinking red and blue lights started flashing outside.

I slowed to a jog when I came up near the house. The grass under my feet was quieter than the asphalt. My hands were still shaking and my breathing was rapid from nerves and all the running. I had only been in the house once. I didn't know the layout and even if I did, I didn't know where Ryan would be, let alone Hayley.

"Niall?" I jumped at the sound of my name. I spun on my heel to see a taller skinny kid with big brown eyes looking at me with an open jaw. Logan.

Matt peaked out from the bushes to join him. Both of them looked as distressed as I felt. Logan's eyes were red around the edges and he looked like he could cry any second.

"What's going on?" I asked hoarsely.

Matt shrugged and looked up at the house. "Ryan broke. He's gone crazy. He admitted to kil- I mean uhm,"

"He killed my dad." Logan spat with anger.

Matt sighed. "That and he says he plans on finishing with the rest in there too."

My anger grew. "And you're just sitting out here?"

"The doors are locked and I don't know what to do, Niall." Matt defended.

"Hayley is in there!"

"And Logan is out here! I am doing what she told me to do! You are not the only one who cares about her. I may not have done all the  physical shit you have with her but I have lived with her for a bit now. I have been a close friend for a long time now. I have seen her in distress because of things you have done. I have seen her at her worst and I have seen her at her best. I'm not in love with her but I do love her." He paused. His face was red from his angry speech that he tried to keep quiet about. Logan looked oddly uncomfortable but defeated.  I scratched the back of my neck and tugged at my hair. he was right.

"If I knew what to do to help her, I would be doing that." He said softly.

I looked around the walls of the house. There had to be a way to get in there. "Do you have a window in the bedroom?" I asked walking towards the back of the house. I had been in there once and I swore I saw one.

"Yeah," Matt confirmed following behind.

"Can we open it?"

He seemed to think for a second. "It may actually already be cracked open. Hayley was staring at it all morning. I don't think she ever closed it completely."

She was staring at it all morning? Why?

As if he could read my mind, Matt spoke up. "She wanted to see you before you left."

We finally got to the back side of the house and sure enough, the window was opened. Just barely but it would work.

I turned back to Matt and Logan. "I have to get in there."

-Hayley's POV-

I tried to calm my breathing. Ryan's footsteps had come to a stop just outside the door. I could hear my mother's faint sobs in the back. My mom didn't cry.

We make the boys cry.

Well not a single boy was crying right now. Instead it was her, which made me want to as well. I swallowed the lump in my throat and touched the cool metal of the blade through my shirt.

Blades reminded me of my dad and how strong he was to overcome his heart breaking habits of escape and of pain. My dad had given up on the love of his life, my mother, all because that's what she wanted. She knew that's what she needed anyway. My dad, who was a musician. My dad, who was a fellow fangirl... or fandad I suppose? My dad, who had always been there to dry my eyes and put up with all the shit I put him through. The roof memories. The time he met Niall. When he met Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry. How he would always insist on being called Derek by Niall. My dad, who tried to be tough and scary but really was the biggest teddy bear I had ever encountered.

My sorrows formed and morphed into a stronger feeling. Hatred.

This man, this despicable human being on the other side of the door, weaseled his way into my life. Into my family. This thing took away every sliver of sanity I had left. He tore Niall away from me and planted the foundation of a wall between us. This thing pulled my small family apart and then kept us apart. He used us. But the thing that pissed me the fuck off more than anything was the fact that he killed my father.

And he was proud of it too.

The door opened and I pressed my lips together. My eyes narrowed at the pathetic wasted life in front of me.

"Are we calm now?" He smiled sickly bending down 'til he was in my face. So I did the childish thing of spitting in his face.

His face morphed into disgust and it was almost worth the pain of him hitting me again to see it. "You're a fucking bitch."

"Tell me something I don't already know."

Ryan gripped my small bicep and shrugged. "Okay, you have approximately five minutes of living. Well, maybe."

He led me back out into the living room and threw me onto the ground. My mom was sitting in the corner, not able to watch. He seriously brought me out here so my mother had to watch the murder of her only daughter? My anger and hatred grew even more. He pulled the gun back out of his waist band. "Don't worry, there's more than one bullet this time. In case I miss."

"You're a sick bastard." I spat.

Ryan shrugged. "Tell me something I don't know." The mockery in his voice was obvious and I wanted nothing more than to beat the living shit out of him. "I just wish that dumbass father of yours was here to see this," He cocked it back. "Or that city boy band member of yours."

And that's when a loud banging and crashing noise sounded.

((A/N: Here's a double update. Both were kinda short so it makes up for it:) thank you all so much I love you all you're great. Love the votes and comments coming it!!! xxx))

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