Chapter 52

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-Hayley's POV-

With lack of anywhere else to go, and the few friends I had gone, I was left with myself and my car. I hadn't stopped crying but the aching gut wrenching sobs and continuous vomiting had come to a close. I wouldn't go back to the dorms, not now. And I had no where else to go. So I went to my last resort.


My mom would surly skin me alive for coming home at such a late hour, but it was either that or sleep in my car. The rain poured down hard against my windshield, clouding my vision even more. The windshield wippers cleared it away only to have to do it again and again.

I frove in silence. The radio was off and only the hard rain hitting my car and my shaky breaths could be heard.

I should have had Harry give me a ride but I didn't want to cause him any trouble. It was probably better anyway, to distance myself from anything containing any sort of memory of Niall.

No. I wouldn't think about him. I shouldn't even think of his name. His name held too many memories. Too many climaxes reached, too many I love you's, and too many obstacles overcome.


I let out a breath and took the key out of the ignition. The rain was pouring down even harder and the lightening flashed followed by the rolling thunder. I grabbed my shoes and ran across the gravel with bare feet. The rain seeped through my clothes and my hair was drenched, but the beauty of it was at that moment you couldn't tell that I was breaking piece by piece.

I pounded my knuckles against the hard slick door as the wind blew and sprayed my body with another layer of rain water.

"Please answer," I whispered to myself. "please."

I knocked again harder and waited but there was no sign of life inside the dark house. Car it is, I guess. I stepped down the front porch steps, the puddles splashing around my feet. I was an idiot for thinking I would allowed inside. I was already on fragile ice with Ryan and I could never tell with my mother anymore. Another gut wrenching sob escaped my mouth as the rain crashed against my face.

"Hayley?!" I spun around to see my mom standing in the doorway. She was wearing a silk pair of pajama pants and her usual powder blue robe. Her brown hair was in unruly curls and for once she looked like a mother. "It's two in the morning! What are you doing in the rain? Get in here, sweetheart."


I swallowed the lump in my throat and ran towards the woman I felt as if I didn't even know anymore, but I liked her more than the one I knew before. I threw my arms around her before breaking into another fit of sobs that scratched my throat.

"It's okay.." She said softly rubbing her hand across my back in small circles.

"I know you told me not to come back if this happened but.."

"Shh, no. Come in here. Let's see if your old clothes will fit." She glanced at my soaked body. My new dress clung to every part of my body and my hair was knotted in wet tangles. "I know the will fit, actually."

-Niall's POV-

The rain pounded against the window. I watched the raindrops race down the window. A few of them would crash into another but instead of staying separate they molded together, creating a bigger, more powerful water droplet that conquered every remaining droplet.

The sun didn't shine and my chest felt hallow. My head ached from a hang over but I would have drank twenty more drinks to forget what I still remembered.

"Joke's on you Niall! I didn't fuck Chris!"

I was an idiot. I knew that. But never would I admit that to anyone. I could barely admit it to myself.

I scratched my forearm, my hand brushing the leather band with a single blue guitar pick bound to it. I hadn't taken this off since Hayley gave it to me at Christmas. My eyes mentally traced each letter and number.

I just wish that I had made a better first impression

I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. "And I just wish I never took advantage of you." I sighed to myself.

I popped open the snaps and set the  band on the window sill. The skin was slightly paler from wear it had been and I felt completely exposed, naked even.

There was a knock on my door and I let out a sigh before they entered. It was Harry. His tall figure towered over me as I glared up at him, even though inside I felt like a puppy stuck in a corner by its abusive owner.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw was set. Her wore a loose hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. He didn't bother fixing his hair and neither did I, except he had a beanie on to keep the curls out of his eyes.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him, my voice sounding completely different than how I truly felt.

Harry shook his head slowly and began to pace the hotel room. He rubbed his chin, choosing his words carefully or trying to contain his anger. I wasn't sure which.

"You know you're really a fucking idiot." He snapped at me, not giving me a glance.

I rolled my eyes. Like I didn't already know that. "Enlighten me."

"Why?" He asked simply and I sat up from the bed. "Why would you even consider doing something as stupid as that? You had Hayley, a girl that loved you for who you really were. Someone who you adored more than life itself and you know damn well it was the same for her. You risked everything. You left the country to see her multiple times, pissing management off. You were in a car crash because you were fighting.

Every fucking time you guys fight something horrible happens. It's never something small. Even if the fight is completely stupid you both turn it into the biggest dramatic... war between you." He stared at me with wide eyes and I set my jaw. I could only glare at him. If I opened my mouth I would break into a fit of sobs.

"Hayley was... everything you could have asked for in someone. And you tossed her to the side for some slut like Barbara? You know how she is. That's why you didn't work out. How do you think Hayley felt walking in on that? The worst she ever did to you was call you the wrong name or go to party, which of course would have guys there." He shook his head. "I just don't understand why you would even think about that."

"I was pissed!" I defended. "I still am!" That wasn't a total lie. I was still mad but I could no longer tell who I held the anger towards. Was it Hayley, McKenna, or myself?

"You fucked up."

"You would take her side." I snapped and Harry's eyes grew darker.

"Why?" His voice was low. "Because I care about her? Because I thought she was a sweet girl who deserved the world? Deserved the world you could give her? Yeah, sure, I'm the asshole."

He didn't say anything as he left and neither did I. I was well aware of me being the biggest dumb fuck to walk the earth. But that didn't change anything. I was angry. I was.

And in some twisted way, I felt like I still had a right to be.

((A/N: Hmmm, well this chapter sucked compared to the last one. Very eventful. I'm sorry for that. Still hope it is okay.

BTW yesterday was my birthday [which is why there was no update] annndd.... I GOT TICKETS TO SEE THE BOYS IN ST. LOUIS ON AUGUST 27!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

So yeah, my mind is kinda jumbled at the moment:)

Vote and comment please!

ilysm sorry this chapter sucked.


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