Chapter 57

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-Hayley's POV-

I sat in the driver's seat staring out the windshield. I had turned off the car about twenty minutes ago, but couldn't make myself move from my spot. Realization had finally set in. I was alone.

One of my closest friends had tried to kill me. Another that I had been friends with since elementary school just kicked me out of my dorm. Turns out she had despised me for at least a year now. At least. Four other of my friends I couldn't even bare to talk to because I knew Niall was with them.

That was wrong of me. I should have at least texted Louis or Harry to tell the, that I'm okay and thank them for everything. I just couldn't bring myself too do it though. Just like I couldn't make myself go into Matt's house.

The house I had helped him pick out when he wanted McKenna to move in with him. I guess Matt and I were in a similar boat. We had both lost all our close friends. Both our lovers had left us behind them and made no effort in trying to resolve the past.

I raked my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh. I had to do this. It was Matt. Matt had helped me when all else failed. Why would this be any different?

Sometimes it sucks. But when all of hell breaks lose, that's when you find out who truly loves you. Don't worry. Someone will always be there. My dad used to tell me that all the time. I guess now was the time to put his word to the test.

I closed the door with my hip and locked it behind me. The house was a single story with two bedrooms and a bathroom. The porch had a single hanging swing and a big tree stood strong in the front yard. It was such a cute little house, the perfect couple house.

I brought my hand up and knocked twice against the chipped paint. I could hear hushed voices and a loud tumbling sound. He must have fallen or something because when he opened the door his shoulders were heaving up and down with heavy breaths.


I offered a small smile and combed my hand through my hair for the thousandth time in the past few hours. "Hi."

"Come on in." Matt said stepping aside and closing the door after me. "How are you?"

I took a seat at the end of the couch and looked at my hands. How was I? Not well but I'm still breathing aren't I? I was still trying to get past the numbness and hollowness in my heart.

"I'm.." There was no use lying. "I've been better Matt."

I felt the sofa shift under me as Matt took a seat beside me. "You wanna tell me about it?"

I shook my head and wiped under my eyes. I was not going to cry in front of him. I was done crying. We don't cry, we make the boys cry.

"You're having a hard time too. I doubt you wanna hear my shit life too."

"Hayley," He slid his arm around my shoulders and brought me in for a hug. "We're friends. Actually, we're all we have left. You can tell me. And then I can complain to you." He laughed lightly but I couldn't return the offer.

"Well, I can't go into details because I doubt want to bore you with my tears. Basically, Niall came home and I guess he wanted to surprise me and pick me up and take me to the club. Well, I wasn't there I was at Chris's frat.."

"You what!?"

I held up my hand and he shut his mouth. "I'm not done. Anyway, McKenna I guess told Niall that I was messing around with him. I know it seems that way but I swear I wasn't. I told him to leave Niall and I alone."

"I believe you.."

"Wait what?"

Matt shrugged. "I believe you."

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