Chapter 94

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-Hayley's POV-

Many times we take for granted things that mean the world to us. And other times we worry about things that truly do not matter to us. I sat quietly at the kitchen table, listening to Niall talk with his father.

There are few times that come to mind where Niall is happier than when he is with his father. And, in response, there are few times that I have seen Bobby happier than when he is speaking to Niall. Since Bobby wasn't able to make it to the family dinner at Maura's, he invited my family for dinner.

My mom sat next to Jeffrey across from me. Dirty dishes remained in front of us along with a few empty bottles of beers. Logan had stayed for dinner but later caught a cab home with Matt and Jess. They said that they felt like they were intruding on a family event. I don't believe Bobby cared, but I also understood where they were coming from.

Niall laughed so hard with voice cracked as he retold a story of what Louis had done to Liam on tour. Bobby smiled widely and I could hear my parents laugh beside me. The sounds that filled the room seemed to relax me. It seemed almost as if I was thrown back in time and given a second chance. A second chance to have the childhood that we all meant to experience. One filled with laughter and love. One where screaming and arguing is at minimal and joy overruns all.

I liked this one a lot more than the first.

The wedding was in two days. The rehearsal dinner was tomorrow and the bachelorette party would begin at eight and not end until late tonight. Sophia, Eleanor, and Perrie had been planning this for me for as long as I could remember. The first time I had met them they joked about what to plan for when Niall and I got married. I don't know if we surprised them or if they just knew. Shelby, Harry's girlfriend of a few months, was going to join us as well as Jess.

I checked the clock on my phone which read 1:15. We should leave here before long. The rest of my family had flown in late last night. I wouldn't be surprised if they were still asleep due to the jet lag. But I still thought it would be nice to check in on them before heading out later tonight and getting shitfaced.

"Hayley," I turned my attention to Bobby, "Niall told me about the first time he took you to the derby."

I looked at Niall who was in process of taking a drink of his beer but couldn't fulfill the action due to his laughter. I shook my head and laughed. "That was... Something."

"She would not shut up," Niall told my parents.

"I didn't know what was going on!" I defended myself to the three adults.

"Every three seconds, there was another question. Why did he do that? Wait what happened? What's the big deal? Can he do that? How long does this last?"

"Niall is really bad at informing on the basics before taking me to a match."

"All I wanted was to watch the game."

"You'd think I'd know more but really it's gibberish to me." I laughed.

"I'll teach you everything I know so you'll be prepared for the next one," Niall smiled he put his arm around my shoulders.

"I hope by the next one you mean in the next decade," my mother snorted.

"Took Niall a good decade to learn everything he knows," bobby agreed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "eh, if I have an interest in something it can consume my entire life."

I could see a small smirk spread across Niall's lips from the corner of my eye. My mom bit on my lower lip suppressing a smile and both, bobby and Jeffery, looked completely oblivious. Probably because they were.

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