Chapter 38

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-Hayley's POV-

"When are you going to get back?" Niall asked as I crammed my books into my backpack. I was exhausted and I looked like hell. I don't remember falling asleep. I don't really remember the drive to the hotel either.

I shrugged. "Maybe around five." I pulled my blonde hair into a ponytail before pulling Niall's hoodie over my head. I could feel his gaze watching me as I avoided all the food lying on the kitchen counter.

"You should probably grab some food. I don't want you starving all day." Niall told me, leaning his bum against the counter top.

I shook my head. "Not really hungry." Really, I just needed to get away before I screwed something else up. Before I could make it halfway across the room, Niall caught my hand and pulled me in closer. His huge hands wrapped around my forearms, keeping me from running off earlier than I had to.

His eyes searched my face for all the emotions I had been trying to suppress. "Are you going to be able to make it through today?" He asked dipping his head down to meet my eyes.

I waned my hand in the air. "Matt will be there with me today. I'll be fine." My tone didn't match the brokenness I felt inside. Normally that would have fooled someone, but not Niall.

His lips were pressed into a straight line, fighting the urge to call me a liar. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

I shook my head. "But I do. My job is on the line. My education, my money, everything I have depends on going to college and passing. I can't pass if I don't go to class." I pointed out and Niall sighed in defeat.

"Just, please, bring something to eat. You're making me nervous." He pleaded the words against my forehead before pressing a solid kiss to it.

"It's been one time." I tried to laugh but failed. Niall didn't say anything. He simply stood there against the counter top with an apple in his outstretched hand towards me. I let out a groan and snatched the apple out of his hand, placing it in my backpack.

"Thank you."

I offered a small smile and slowly started backing away. "I should go now."

Niall's grip on my hand tightened, making me stop in my tracks. "Where's my goodbye kiss?" He teased steadily tugging me back to him.

"You're an idiot." I laughed as his arms held me against him tightly, almost too tight, and pecked a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Maybe." He smirked cupping my cheek in his hand. "You call me if you need anything. I promise I will be there."

I nodded. "Okay, I will."

I rose to my tippy toes and connected my lips to Niall's. His touch was gentle. His monstrous hand rested behind my neck while mine were twisted into his hair. His skilled tongue caressing mine.

It was times like this that I was subconsciously reminded that Niall was in my life. Not because he was forced to be, not because he pitied me, but because he truly cared for me. I had messed up many things before. I messed p my relationship with Kyle. I messed up my relationship with my mother and my brother's was slowly decreasing. I have messed up many times with many different people but none of them gave me the amount of chances Niall did. It wasn't easy to constantly be on the other side of the world from the only person you'd trade your soul for. It wasn't easy being in the spotlight all the time. It wasn't easy to be judged by every move you made and receive hate for simply breathing. None of it was easy, but I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it.

-Niall's POV-

What was I supposed to do all day? Was derby on? Probably not. Not anyone that I cared for anyway. I could clean.. ha no I'm not cleaning. There was literally nothing to do in this city. How did Hayley manage to live in for so long. And yet, even though she hated it, she planned on continuing to finish out college here. It made no sense to me. I still really wanted her to quit this bullshit and take courses online as she traveled the world with me. She could finally get away from all this shit. It would be like a fresh start for her, for us.

However, that's not what Hayley wanted. She wanted to stay here in the U.S. She wanted to continue her job, or internship, and see what becomes of it. She wanted to rekindle the relationship with her family that had soured long ago.

And I...

Well I just wanted her happy. And I know that's not what she was.

Last night.. last night was scary. She was on a whole new level of hysteria. For a moment, I thought she was going to end it right then and there. I don't know what I would have done if she would have done that. I don't know what I'd ever do without her.

Hayley had becomes a part of me. She had become a stronger part of me that kept me going  anymore. She seemed to give off this aura of happiness and pride and generosity. She made everyone around her happy and made them feel like nothing bad was going on in the world.

She gave off this impression of the world's happiest individual. An impression that couldn't be further away from the truth. She wasn't always happy, rarely was she truly happy. She only faked it. But when she was happy, it was remarkable. Her happiness was contagious just like her laugh or her smile.

Hayley was... well she was strong. I'd do anything to make her happy. I'd sail the oceans. I'd run through fire. I wold even spend an entire day stuck with Ryan for her.

I would do anything as long as she stayed mine. And only mine.

((This update was pretty blah. Yeah, I'm sorry. Still hope you vote and comment on it though! Sorry, but thank you I love you xxx))

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