Chapter 88

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*Seven Months later (July)*

-Hayley's POV-

I twirled my engagement ring around my finger with my thumb. The steady murmmer of the tires rolling over the asphalt sounded like a lulliby in my mind. I leaned my head back on the headrest as Maura drove beside me.

The big day was in a week. A week.

My family and friends were flying their way in today. Niall had to go to London to work on the new album until tomorrow.

He had been there for two weeks now.

"I can just come back home if I need to, babe." Niall's voice told me through the ear piece of my phone. "I'm sure the lads will understand."

I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. I pressed the phone against my ear with my shoulder as I pulled a bottle of wine out of the fridge.

This new house wasn't nearly as comforting when I was in it all alone.

"No. You should be there. You're the one making the big bucks." I sighed as the red liquid glugged.

Niall laughed a little too loudly into the receiver but I didn't mind. His laughter was the source of smile and because of it, I smiled often.

"Just a few more days and I will be there."

"I know." I replied corking the bottle again.

"In a few weeks we will be married."

I grinned. "This I also know."

"Okay Miss Know-it-all." Niall sassed at me causing me to roll my eyes. "I can hear your eyes roll in your skull even over the phone."

"Bullshit," I laughed. My hand raised itself in front of my face. The ring catching all the dim light around me, making itself shine.

Kinda like how Niall does himself.

"I really love you Niall." I said grabbing the clover pendant around my neck that had grown a few more members over the years. The heart and infinity signs were gorgeous but the simple silver clover with the word 'mine' engraved into one leaf would forever be my favorite.

I wiped my eyes with the heel of my hand, pushing all tears into my tear ducts. If just one fell they would never stop.

"Hayley, I love you. You know that right?" His voice dropped in volume and I heard a click. He probably stepped out of the room for more privacy.

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