Chapter 91

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-Niall's POV-

I sat in one of the front pews of the church. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes momentarily before forcing them open again. I loved Hayley's family almost as much as my own but this wedding shit had them going crazier than Hayley ever did.

"Mom," Hayley groaned, "look around here. It's gorgeous. The flowers come in within a few days and then Maura and Denise can start decorating the aisles Sunday after the mass."

Lana didn't look satisfied; and I knew damn well she wasn't.

I could see Hayley's frustration turn take on a physical form as she tugged at the ends of her hair. Red streaked up her neck into her cheeks as she clamped her mouth shut . As far as I knew, Hayley and her mother hadn't had a fight in a long time but the peace couldn't last forever.

"I just feel like there is more to be done." Lana sighed before twirling the end of her own hair. It must have been a habit passed down throughout the years.

I looked around the church. It looked great to me. Similar to Greg's wedding except different flowers and colors. This whole wedding idea had caused more than enough trouble for our two families, I just wanted it to go as smoothly as possible, as quickly as possible.

"Mom," Hayley begged, holding her face in her hand, "please. I like it. And we have a few more things to add. You know how big of a perfectionist I am. Do you honestly think I would say I'm happy about the layout if I really wasn't?"

Everyone in the church sucked in a breath and held it, waiting for a response, sending a quick prayer to the man upstairs, trying to avoid any explosions from the two women.

"Oh shit.." I heard Matt mutter in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jess jab him with her elbow.

Another thirty seconds passed, which seemed to last thirty years, before the silence was broken. "So you like it?" Lana asked.

"I love it actually," Hayley answered as she crossed her arms.

Lana mustered a fake smile, not bothering to hide the sarcasm behind it, "then I guess we're done here." We all watched as she spun on her heel and walked up the aisle and out the door. I glanced back at Hayley, who remained at the alter. Her face looked exhausted like she often looked throughout our first year together. That was the first time I had seen her that way in a long time. It was also the first time I had caught a glimpse of the woman Lana used to be; the one that I thought had packed her bags and left a long time ago.

Maybe the evil in us never really leaves.

Jeffery got to his feet slowly, not making any effort to get out of the awkward air faster than he needed to. It was clear that he did not agree with his wife's choices, but still knew what she expected from him.

Hayley glanced over at me. I nodded my head once and motioned for her to come over to me. She was biting the inside of her cheek, a habit she will never kick. She slid her body into the pew, moving closer to me. I extended my arm out to reach around her, bringing her as close as I could manage as if our bodies could mold into one. Her head rested on my shoulder and I, in return, allowed my cheek to rest on the top of her head. Her hair smelled like pomegranate just as it always had for as long as I can remember.

"Is it bad if I say I just want to get this over with?" Hayley whispered and I laughed in contrast.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head, smiling, "I think everyone feels that way right now, babe."

Hayley shrugged and smiled faintly as if she knew she shouldn't find this humorous.

"Enjoy it," I told her before kissing her temple.

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