Chapter 98

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-Hayley's POV-

The drive back to our house was spent  listening to every sappy love song Niall had on his phone. I laughed the lyrics as Niall dramatically serenaded me. His fingers intertwined  with mine as they rested on the center console. The sky was dark, the only lights were the crappy yellow street lights that were scattered  along our path.

His smile spread wide across his face, making his eyes crinkle with joy. He was laughing more than he was singing now and i couldn't help but smile at him. Niall glanced over at me briefly, catching  my stare.

"What?" He asked and I shrugged, "surely it's  something. You're staring and you messed up my chorus! I was going to smash it!"

I laughed again, taking my time to just admire the man next to me. "I'm so in love with you, Niall."

He looked at me and a content smile rested on his lips as he scratched his cheek with his shoulder, something he did when he started blushing.


I slowly unbuckled my seat belt as Niall pulled into our driveway. He took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. I let myself out before Niall could open my door. He shook his head at me but held his hand out for me to take. He immediately started rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. The walk to the door was tedious and gut wrenching  really. I had butterflies erupting in my stomach. Tomorrow was just under an hour away. In less than twenty-four  hours  I would no longer have a fiancé, but instead, a husband.

"So this is what it feels like to walk a girl to the door and then go home afterwards," Niall joked as he scratched the back of his head. He seemed nervous and anxious  just like I was.

His family carried on the tradition of not seeing the bride on the wedding day until she walked down the aisle. So instead of sleeping next to me tonight, he'd be staying at his father's for the night.

"I've  never done this before," he admitted  and i laughed.

"If it helps, I've never been walked to my front door. Kyle always dropped me off. Never left the car." I laughed as I thought  of how stupid I was for dating him in the first place.

"What a gentleman."

I sat down on the hanging porch swing Niall had managed to hang up a few months ago. I patted the seat next to me, urging him to take a seat, which he did. I scooted my body closer as he extended his arm out for me to take refuge under. I let my head rest on his chest. I ran my fingertips across the fabric of his tie that i had bought for him one day for no apparent reason. Who knew a piece of fabric could cost so much money?

"I like your tie choice," I smirked and Niall chuckled, making my head rise and fall as he did so.

"I was waiting for you to comment on it."

I don't know how long we sat on that porch swing together, rocking back and forth, simply enjoying each other's  company.

"Do you remember when you first gave me the note Derek wrote me?" Niall spoke, his fingers drawing circles on my arm.

A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, "yeah. I left you alone to read it and it  was the longest few minutes of my life. I thought I was going to puke."

"Do you remember what I told you afterwards?"

"You told me that you wanted to be happy," I smiled and held him tighter, "that I was your happiness."

He let out a short laugh, "I did say that yes, but I was talking about the other thing."

I tilted my head up to look at him and arched an eyebrow.

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