Chapter 72

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-Hayley's POV-

The panic didn't cease.

I ran along with the nurses and doctors, my hand still holding Niall's.

"Miss you have to go,"


"You have to let the doctors do what they need to do." The short woman in blue scrubs said to me. I continued to shake my head.

"I can't leave him." I told her. "I promised. He promised. We promised."

"If you love him, you'll let him go. He needs help." Her skin was dark and her black curly hair was pulled away from her face showing off her big brown eyes that seemed to be begging me to let go.

I looked down at Niall again. The nurses pressing against his injury. Ryan and Jeffery were strolling further down the hall. I squeezed Niall's hand one last time.

"I'll be here when you get back babe," I said in hopes that he could hear me. My fingers slipping away from him as they took him down, away from me.

"It's okay honey." The nurse told me as I felt my rib cage collapse on itself. "Can you walk? Let's do something about the leg."

I had completely forgotten about my leg. I was too focused on Niall barely breathing to pay attention to my own pain.

I followed the nurse down the hall before turning into a room. "This won't take long. Looks like more of the bleeding has gone down anyway. I think your adrenaline is still pulsing so you'll be fine."

I didn't say anything. I just slumped against the back support and let tears fall down my face. If he didn't live through this, I would never forgive myself for dragging him into this shitty life.


"Have you ever thought about what we would do if we were to get married?" I asked Niall as he played with my fingers. My back pressed against his chest. It was late at night now and we had just started our third movie of the night. The blue light shining on his face, highlighting his features.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Yes, I'm assuming you have too."

I blushed. I know it hadn't even been a year yet but I couldn't help but wonder how we would work out if it were to happen.

"Yeah," I admitted. "You'd want to go to Ireland and live there I assume."

Niall smiled a half smile and shrugged. "Yeah, I would. I know my family would want that too."

I nodded. "Yeah, I figured that." I returned my attention back to the screen.

"You don't want that do you?"

"No, no, I do but... I guess I don't know. I want to work for a little bit you know? That's why I'm at college. And what if my family grows close again by a miracle?"

Niall thought this over. " We could visit in the summer? Or they could visit us? We could come back for Thanksgiving and such."

It could work. I just couldn't help but wonder what if my mom wanted to do something with the kids?

"We can worry about it when it gets closer babe." Niall said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "When it happens?"

Niall shrugged. "I plan on it. I plan on you having my children."

I laughed. "Okay, okay, slow down. We will worry about it when it gets here."

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