Chapter 60

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((A/N: I'm throwing in other people's points of views randomly  because it captures the ideas of other people when neither Niall or Hayley is around. Okay bye:))

-Liam's POV-

I closed my eyes and exhaled as the door slammed shut, separating Niall from the rest of us. I had been sitting with Niall the entire ride home. I hadn't seen him so happy in a long time. A really long time.

Ever since the summer had ended and Hayley started school, Niall hadn't been the same. His full attention was focused on Hayley and if it wasn't on her, it was on the next show, the next music, the next thing. It was hard enough trying to make my own relationship work out, I couldn't imagine the shit they went through. None of us did really.

"What the hell is his problem?" Harry huffed angrily.

"He finally fixed some of the shit he messed up." I defended. I understood that Niall had messed up, even though I was drunk off my ass I could figure that out. But still,  Louis and Harry were being extremely cold. Zayn had slightly warmed up, but not enough to thaw the thick ice.

I felt bad for the guy. I really did. Here he is trying to get the only girl he's ever really been with in the last three years to give him a chance he didn't deserve, and on top of that his friends wanted him no where near them. It hurt to see it happen.

"He seriously convinced Hayley to give him another chance?" Louis rolled his eyes as he wiped off a scuff on the toe of his converse.

"Yeah," I said simply but that didn't suffice any of them.

"Are you going to continue to explain?" Harry mocked and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

I got comfortable in my seat. I knew questions were sure to come afterwards, as well as a brief argument that I would surly win.

"Niall dragged me to Hayley's dorm. The entire drive he was skittish as I've ever seen him. He kept talking and talking about Hayley and how perfect she was and how he didn't deserve her."

"Her still doesn't" Harry grumbled.

"Was I finished? No." I snapped and Harry rolled his eyes. I've lost count of how many times one of us four have done that in the last five minutes. "As I was saying, He told me about what they used to do back before Hayley's dad died. How happy they were and how strongly they communicated and managed to work through everything. He kept saying how he knew he could be that way again, and if he could then maybe Hayley could too. Only when we got to her dorm, she wasn't there. Instead it was her roommate who turns out to be in love with Niall and has despised Hayley for Lord knows how long now. To make it even worse, her boyfriend, that Matt kid, overheard her and so he dumped her. We went back with Matt because we had no where else to go and Niall sure as hell wasn't coming back here. Then I guess Hayley went back and had McKenna blow up on her because she came to Matt's and started crying about how she hated herself for not being there for Niall and how she wanted to go back. Then, this is the scary part, she told Matt how she wanted to give up. She wanted to kill herself. Well, when Niall heard that he barged into the room and begged her not to do it and when she tried to leave he begged her to let him explain. Holy shit, I have never seen Niall so panicked and scared. He really thought he was going to lose her."

"Her should have been scared the entire time." Louis yelled loud enough for Niall to hear and I punched his arm.

"You didn't see what I saw." I said firmly. "Niall is in love with Hayley. And Hayley is still in love with him. They are trying again. I have never seen either of them happier than when they are looking at each other. Niall looks at her as if she is the Sun that makes all living things grow. And Hayley looks at him as if he an angel walking by her side giving beauty to the world. They love each other and I know for damn sure, they will eventually reach a point where they will stop giving each other second chances... because they won't need them."

-Hayley's POV-

I sat on the couch looking through my text messages from Niall.

I had missed him. I do now. But I was still not over the pain he inflicted. I knew he would be heading back on tour again soon and I didn't want him to think I was angry at him. I wanted him to think he stood a chance, which he did. That's why I kissed him goodbye.

I couldn't deny the fact that I longed to feel his arms around me and have his heartbeat fill my head. I wanted that more than anything. But as much comfort as that brought me, it also brought me pain. It would take some time.

Time and compromise.

But I felt like maybe we could go back to the times when we had nothing to hide form each other. Back when we communicated so well and we told each other everything. I was looking forward to that again. I really was.

Matt walked in and sat besides me with a bowl full of fruit. It looked good but my stomach just didn't want to be full. I didn't want to eat.

"You don't have a choice," Matt smiled as if he could read my mind. "eat it. All."

I smiled back and took the colorful-filled bowl out of his hands. He flicked the channel to some movie filled with vulgar language but I couldn't help but enjoy it.

"I'm sorry about McKenna," I said quietly not taking my eyes off the screen until I felt Matt's eyes fall on me.

He shrugged and swung an arm around me. "I guess it's a good thing I found out. I like knowing who my real friends are a lot better than having a girlfriend who only wanted me for the pleasure and to get off campus. Sucks seeing it fall apart."

I nodded sadly. "Yeah, I know."

"But hey," Matt nudged my shoulder before smiling. "Just because McKenna and I aren't going to rematch things up doesn't mean you and Niall can't."

I felt myself blush for some unknown reason. "I just don't want to lose him."

Matt laughed and focused his attention back on the TV. "Trust me, I don't think you ever will."

((Ewwww shitty chapter. I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated and I guess I just needed to put this up. Hope it doesn't suck even tho I know it does. ugh.))

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