Chapter 11

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-Hayley's POV-

I pulled my red and black plaid flannel tighter across my chest before buckling my seatbelt as Niall crawled in the front seat. I smiled to myself as various boy band music flowed from the speakers of my car. I was sure I would be hearing about this for years to come.

I watched as the buildings around us slowly started to fade out. The view out the windshield showing the open highway adorned with a few random cars. I looked over at Niall. He was driving with his left and on the steering wheel and his right drumming on the counter console. He was wearing a plain white tee shirt with a bright blue plaid over shirt. He rolled the sleeves and pushed them up just above his elbows, allowing his arm veins, that I loved so much, to be shown to the world. His hair still remained dark at the roots which slowly bleached out to the tips that were pushed up away from his forehead.

"So where we going?" I asked as I reached over and laced my fingers between his.

I watched was his eyes left the road for a moment and met mine. They were really bright. A pale baby blue which gradually deepened into a darker ocean blue. His cheeks rose and his full lips turned up into a smile, exposing his pearly white teeth. God, I swear, he was heaven sent.

"Well," his thick low Irish accent filled the small space of the car, "I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." His eye dropped with a wink.

I laughed. "Oh yeah, because you can totally kill me." I teased.

"Exactly why I'm not telling you."

I rolled my eyes and laughed lightly before giving his hand a squeeze. There was no point trying to argue with him. There was no way I was going to know where we were heading for the next few hours until we get there. I checked the digital clock on the dash and frowned. Literally. We only had a few hours left together before he'd head off again.

This is why it was difficult. We couldn't stay mad at each other when something happened. And we couldn't talk it out over the phone either. One of us would just get annoyed and end up hanging up on the other, ignore their texts, until eventually shutting their phone off completely. And if we spent the whole time fighting, it was a whole time together wasted. Maybe we did forgive each other too easily. Maybe neither of us seemed to have a strong backbone, but soon as I felt his skin on mine I could feel this warm rush shoot through me. My stomach would flip and somersault, leaving my skin tingling for hours on end. And despite anything saying otherwise, I knew I had the same effect on him.

"Hayley?" Niall said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

He shook his head and laughed. "I asked if you wanted to go out and eat or maybe take out or something."

"I really wish you'd tell me where we were going so i could decide." I fake pouted. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "But honestly I don't care. And I'm not that hungry right now."

"Alright if you insist."


"Niall this is ridiculous! Let me open my eyes!" I shouted as I pulled at Niall's huge hands that covered my eyes. I could hear his adorable laugh ring in my ears.

"Hold on we're almost there."

I groaned but allowed him to lead me. I could hear my ankle boots' heels click against the concrete ground. I could hear the cool air rattle tree branches all around me. 

"Okay, open them." Niall commanded as he pulled his hands away. My eyes fluttered open and I could hear myself gasp.

"Oh my God, Niall!"

-Niall's POV-

Her hand rose to cover her mouth that hung open wide. Her eyes never left the large log cabin in front of her. After about hours of searching and another hour of driving, I finally decided this was perfect. The cabin was two stories. Dark brown logs made up the cabin itself as well as the wrap around porch. Pine trees littered the ground surrounding the wooden masterpiece. Light cream colored shutters decorated the windows.

But as beautiful as the cabin or the scenery was, it could not compare to the way Hayley's sparked with surprise and doubled their normal size. Her face broke into a wide smile as an excited laugh escaped her lips. I watched as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair before covering her cheeks that were rosy from the cold.

"Can we go in?! Please? Oh, oh my God. Niall! I, I just.. I can't, honestly. Oh my God." I pulled my lower lip between my teeth to avoid laughing at her long line of incomplete sentences and jumbled thoughts; and nodded.

She let out a squeal and jumped before bounding up the wooden porch steps. I dug in my pocket for the keys and handed them to her. Her fingers fumbled and shook wildly with anticipation.

"Shit." She laughed as she continued to miss the key hole. My hand covered hers and guided the small gold key to where it belonged.

"Breath Babe." I told her as I placed a swift kiss on her forehead.

"Sorry this is just.." She stopped and took in a deep breath. "It just reminds me of Dad. Thank you."

I slipped my hand into hers and jerked my head towards the newly unlocked door. "Shall we? We have all night."

Her jaw dropped slightly and her eyes grew even wider. "We?"

"Yes, baby, we." I nodded.

Hayley's smile grew even bigger. Her hand pulled me by the back of my neck, forcing her lips against mine without any resistance.

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