Chapter 31

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((SEXUAL CHAPTER! If you are not interested skip ahead past it to Niall's POV.))

-Hayley's POV-

"And I'm perfectly okay with that." Niall murmured against my lips, causing goose bumps to rise above the surface of my skin. His fingers clasps around mine, pinned against the mattress above my head. My eyes fluttered close as he left a long wet warm strip along my neck with his tongue, his kisses soft and nearly ghost like before sucking harshly against the sensitive skin. His long body laying between my open legs as he held himself up, hovering above me as his mouth continued its gentle assault of pleasure.

I moaned his name followed by a declaration of my love for him. Niall's hands slipped away from mine down to my breast kneading his fingers against my skin before lowering to my waist where he lifted my loose fitting shirt steadily above my head, only to be discarded along with the other miscellaneous items scattered on the floor. I arched my back in assistance as he unclasped my bra and slid the straps down my arms. I dropped the black laced bra to the ground and returned my gaze back to the boy I loved. His pupils were completely blown, only remaining a tiny thin rim of blue, as he took in my naked torso.

"Jesus Christ.." He cursed before his pink tongue slid out to wet his lips and shook his head barely. "I still can't believe you're all mine."

I smiled up at him and pulled him back down to me by the collar of his shirt. My lips pressed against his jawline, leaving a trail up to ear. My teeth grazed his earlobe as my hands slipped underneath his shirt, roaming over his bare skin. He smiled as I pulled the fabric away, exposing his creamy pale skin to my greedy eyes.  I returned the smile, my hands gliding down from his shoulders down his much more defined chest and abs.

I don't know what that trainer of his had him doing, but I'd pay big money to watch him to it. Are those the early stages of v lines I see?

My fingertips traced the band of his boxers before popping the top button of his tightening jeans. Niall pressed all his weight onto his forearms that were on both sides of my head, above my shoulders, as he aided me in kicking his jeans to the floor. With a single kiss to my forehead, Niall lowered down to my waist and slid the lose fitting sweatpants down my thighs. 

This scene was familiar to me. The closeness and unity felt as we both braced ourselves for the pleasure only the other could provide. It was exciting every time and never, not once, was it the same as the last.

"Tell me what you want baby." Niall softly demanded as his fingers ran over the laced border between my entrance and his touch. "Tongue, finger, or both?" He smirked up at me before hooking the lace and exposing the wet surface to the cooler air surrounding us.

I filled my hand with his hair and forced him to look up at me. He stifled a moan.

"Let me do something for you first." I told him and a smirk spread across his lips.

I slipped from the bed down onto my knees in front of him. I bit make a smirk as I noticed how tight the black material had become. Tugging down the black material.  I made some sort of noise between a squeal and a cough as his full hard length came into view.

"God damn.." I muttered to myself and Niall chuckled, scooting closer to the edge of the bed.

My fingers wrapped around his length, starting in a slow tortuous pace. Niall hissed through his teeth and cursed at me but begged for my to continue. I took a breath and took as much of him as I should in my mouth. My tongue rolled against him as I pumped the rest.

"Shit. Yes, Hayley." Niall cursed, his hand wrapping into my blonde hair. I quickened my pace and took in even more, triggering a small gag. I looked up at him to see his eyes closed and a wrinkle in his forehead.

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