Chapter 19

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-Hayley's POV-

I stared at my professor,  trying to understand the words coming out of his mouth, but all I could think of was the words Chris said to me.

He was killed.

I couldn't process the idea. I could barely process the fact that was a CIA agent. I mean, as I think about it, it makes sense. He was always gone, he couldn't share information with me, and sometimes I'd never hear from him for days at a time.

I wanted to know. I desperately wanted to know. Not just who killed him but everything. The missions, when he started, why he got into it. Is that why Mom and him didn't work...?

That never crossed my mind. Not once.

As soon as the professor dismissed the class, I hurried back to my dorm. Screw yoga, I had no desire to do it even though it would probably help a lot.

I opened the door to find McKenna sitting on her bed. Did she ever go to class?

"Hey, something wrong?" she asked as she pushed the pause button on her movie she was watching.

I paced back and forth the small cluttered floor. "Yes something is very wrong but I do not want to repeat it more than I have to. When is Matt coming over today?" I asked as I struggled to pulled the hair tie out of my tangled hair.

"After his last class, so in an hour. Are you okay? Maybe you should sit down.."

I shook my head. "No I can't.  I need to call Niall. Does he have a show tonight?" I said aloud even though I was basically talking to myself. I tripped over my desk chair as I checked the calendar. "Fuck. He does."

Fantastic. I can't spring this on him before a show. I can't really spring this on him at any time but he needed to know. Especially since, even in my frantic nervous mind set, it was an option. An option with a high possibility of being taken.

I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of touching Chris. I  wanted to hurl. The feeling only got worse when I realized that he'd be touching me as well. I didn't want that. Only Niall. Niall is the only one I want in any way or form. And I know he feels the same about me.

"Hayley, you are losing all color in your face. Are you okay? Lay down. now." McKenna softly demanded as she tugged me to my bed. My head was spinning and I felt extremely nauseous. "I'll probably text Matt and tell him to get over here now."

I groaned in response and turned onto my stomach, my face buried in the pillow.

"Did something happen today? I called Matt at lunch and he was acting preoccupied. You can tell me." McKenna rambled on.

"I will tell you as soon as we are all here." I snapped. Instantly I felt awful. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. My mind is completely jumbled and I'm about to have a nervous break down. Who the fuck am I kidding? I am having a nervous breakdown. I need Niall with me  right now. I need to hear his voice and I need his arms around me. I need my dad." I sobbed into the pillow hysterically.  Everything was falling apart faster and faster. Pretty soon I'd be right back to where I was a year ago: a complete mess.

I felt McKenna sit down on the edge of the bed and run her slender hand across my back in the most comforting way she knew how. She was always awkward about this sort of thing. And that was not about to change. "Matt said he's on his way." She said simply. I was grateful that she didn't push for me to tell her because I didn't even know how I was going to get the words out to Niall after this.


There was a light tapping on the door and immediately McKenna rushed to answer it. "Hey." She said quietly.

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