Chapter 42

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-Hayley's POV-

The last few days passed by quickly and I soon found myself driving myself back to mom's house. When I told McKenna my plans her head practically exploded and was splattered along of ceiling. I, however, felt like this was a good idea. For once, I felt like maybe I was doing something right. I had done a lot of things wrong this past year but taking that bullet for Niall and coming home today was not one of them.

I pulled into the small parking lot and searched the somewhat crowded lot for my mom's car. The sun was shining and the weather was actually cooraperating today so I stepped out of the car and shut the door behind me.

"Hayley!" I turned around to see a boy with dark ash blonde hair and big brown eyes charging at me.

"Logan!" I mimicked with a laugh and held my arms out for him. He latched onto my waist and swueezed until I felt as if I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.

I say my mom walking towards us slowly. She was back to looking like herself. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun and she had five inch heels on that made my feet throb just by looking at them. A black pencil skirt clung to her waist and a light blue laced blouse was tucked in at her belly button.

"Hey Mom." I smiled and offered her a cautious hug which she returned.

"Hayley," She looked just as awkward as I felt. "Shall we go in?"

Logan grabbed my hand and pulled me in behind him through the small narrow door. We took a seat in a booth, Logan and I on one side while my mother sat across from us. All three of us ordered waters and waited awkwardly after our short Chinese waitress left.

"So how was traffic?" My mother asked as her eyes scanned over the menu. I had been here enough to know exactly what I wanted, Logan was the same way.

"Not too bad. I was able to maintain my road rage if that says anything." I said and Logan laughed next to me. He had experienced my god awful road rage many times before. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them could be found on YouTube.

"You have road rage?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

Before I could answer, Logan barged in. "Oh yeah she does. She is awful! Thank God she doesn't honk or anything because that'd be embarrassing, but she tends to yell at the windshield as if they can hear her in the other car."

"I didn't know that.." Mom said and went back to studying the menu.

I bit my lower lip to avoid saying some rude snarky comment and waited for my water. Our waitress came back quickly and sat all the waters down on the table.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked in a thick accent.

Logan and I both nodded. "I want the sweet and sour chicken with white rice and the egg drop soup please." Logan piped and handed her the menu.

"I want the lemon chicken, fried rice, and egg drop soup." I smiled and also handed her my menu.

I looked across the table at my mom who looked completely confused. "You don't like eggs though.."

I raised an eyebrow at her. What was she talking about? "Mom, I love eggs. I eat them all the time, no matter how they are fixed."

"Really?" She asked sounding completely appalled and I nodded. "Oh... well, I want some of your spicy chicken with white rice. No soup."

The waitress jotted down her notes and quickly dashed away again. I could already feel the tension in the air getting tighter and tighter around the three of us.

After finishing our meals and having to correct my mother on her awful memory of me, I took Logan back to my car. Mom still had work to go to until four so I thought I could take Logan somewhere I bet Mom never took him.

The dirt road winded around trees and I could see the cloud of dust form behind us. "Where are we going?" Logan asked trying to look over the big grey stone fence.

"To visit Dad." I smiled and pulled into an opening in the gate. Headstones lined up in perfect columns as flowers and flag danced in the wind beside them. I hadn't been here since the funeral and I figured it was time to go back. I stopped the car on the beaten path and got out. Logan walked cautiously behind me as we marched up the small hill together.

On top of the hill, there was a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with dozens of roses at her feet. I let my hand run over the statue in admiration before taking a few more steps and kneeling in front of a great grey headstone.

Derek Leo Turner was etched into the stone in big gothic styled letters. My fingers traced the words again and again as well as the dates found under them. There were a few fake flowers in the pot cemented in the ground. I felt a little better knowing someone came here. I wasn't sure who, but dad had friends so I'm sure that was the case.

Logan walked over to the other side of them stone and started reading the passage out loud.

"We don't know where life takes us. It's full of twists and turns, mountains and valleys, good and bad. We don't know who will come into our life and we don't know when. We don't know how strong we are until it's our only option. And we don't know how much love we have until someone breaks our heart. Life is full of heartaches and pain. Life isn't always black and white or vivid with colors. The sun doesn't always shine and sometimes the rain comes and seems to never go away.

But in life, we do know that everything dies. But in order for one to die, one must live. We live in the light. We live in the sun. We dance in the rain even though the thunder and lightning had struck. We grow up with our parents who try to give us the world. We try to make it through life with the friends we have made and the memories we cherish. We live with people that we love. And when we love someone we keep them close. We give them everything and we help them conquer the demons raging in their heads and in their souls. We save them from themselves.

And even though love isn't always easy or kind, we do everything we can to make them happy. This isn't just for our lover or our friends, we do it for our children and we do it for strangers on the street. For the simplest smile can pull one lost soul out of the darkness and bring them back to life. From the simplest smile a first impression forms. A first impression that can't be tainted because all there is, is love. Undeniable, ultimate, never ending love."

I wiped away a few tears from my cheeks and let out a pathetic laugh. "I wrote that and said it at Dad's funeral."

I smiled at the memory. I was surprised they were able to get that all on the back of his tombstone, but I suppose it was decently sized and the font was small. I remember crying the entire time at the podium as the people in the crowd cried along with me. Niall was sitting in the front row, trying to offer a strengthening smile but it only made me cry harder.

"I wish I was there," Logan sniffled and sat down between my legs on the grass. "I didn't even get to say goodbye."

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a squeeze. "He didn't leave, Logan. He is still with us watching over us. You, me, Niall, Mom, maybe even Ryan."

"I hope he's not watching over Ryan. And if he is, I hope he's keeping him away from us." He muttered with disgust.

I laughed. "Well Mom and he are getting married. We have to put up with them."

Logan shook his head. "I don't think they are getting married anymore.."

Wait, what?


((A/N: FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!! I have been trying to think of something to write for so long and I finally got it! I hope this is okay and hopefully I will be able to update soon... HOPEFULLY!!! Please remember to vote and comment and read my most recent posts on my message board THEY ARE IMPORTANT!!! Thank  you so much ily all

Vote and Comment!!!!!!:)


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