Chapter 13

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-Hayley's POV-

The drive back to the condo was spent in silence; as was most of dinner. I wasn't hungry anymore and by the way Niall continuously picked at his food, I knew he wasn't either. He poured himself another glass of wine

"You don't have to eat it. We can save it for later." I told him as I picked the full plate up. I rummaged through the grocery bag to find some foil to wrap over the top. After placing the untouched food in the fridge I started in the dishes.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Niall's back pressed against mine. I grabbed a towel and dries my hands. I could feel Niall nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck. His hot breath against my ear.

"You never did that to yourself, did you?" Niall pleaded quietly.

Here we go.

"Uhm, no. I was stopped before i could." I admitted. Niall pressed into my hips, guiding me to face him. I kept my gaze down until he lifted my chin with his thumb.

"What do you mean you were stopped?" His eyes were wide but there was no judgement behind them.

I took a deep breath and blinked rapidly to keep the tears back. "Can we sit down?"

I sat cross legged on the couch facing Niall. My fingers laced between his, I could feel his eyes burning into me as I tried to find the words. "It was a shitty day. My mother and I had gotten into an argument. Kyle and I had been arguing too, he was cheating in me too. Well, I ran out to my dad's and I had locked myself in the bathroom. My dad wasn't home yet, but I was being safe. I remember scrambling through the cabinets and drawers until I found a razor. I don't know why, at the time all i wanted was to feel something. I felt like if I could harm myself then I would be out in my place. I just wanted to feel again. Well I was shaking like crazy and I was crying so hard. I pressed the blades against my wrists and I was about to make the first cut when my dad came running down the hall and barged through the door. Literally, he broke the door. And I swear, I could see his heart break when he realized my intentions." I wiped my cheek and sighed again before continuing.

"Anyway, we ended up sitting on the roof as he talked to me about self harm. He said i deserved better than it. That I had more to offer than that blade. That's when he lifted his sleeves. They were light, but you could see the scars. The more you looked the more you noticed. They ranged from everywhere between his wrist and his elbow. It was then that I decided not to be that way. I didn't want to have to talk to my kids and tell them not to do something when I had done it at their age. So, instead, I drank like crazy. And yeah.." I trailed off still looking at our intertwined hands. The couch under me shifted as Niall scooted closer. His breath fanned across my cheek while he pressed his lips to my cheek. His hands cupped my cheeks, guiding me closer. He kissed my nose and forehead before my lips. His lips tasted like the red wine from dinner.

"You are beautiful." He said against my lips. My arms wrapped around his neck, begging for him to come closer. I felt his tongue glide across my lower lip before pulling it between his teeth gently.

"I want to show you exactly how you deserve to be treated." It was odd to hear these sweet words fall from his lips. usually his thoughts were clouded with lust and his words- dirty. His hands found my waist and he pushed his fingertips deeper into my skin. I uncrossed my legs, giving me easier mobility. Niall's calloused hands pushed my flannel from my shoulders, leaving it to litter the ground along with my undershirt and his. His lips left wet kisses down my neck and along my collarbones. I could feel my body react to his touch as moans escaped my mouth. 

"I love you Hayley." Niall breathed as he unclasped my bra letting it join our other discarded garments. His eyes dilated before kneading my breasts. The aching lust burned between my thighs as he continued.

"I- I love you too." My fingers unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down, leaving Niall in his black Calvin Klein boxers, which were drastically tighter than they had been before. I reached for his length but he caught my hand and shook his head.

"This.. tonight is all about you." His voice deep and his breathing uneven as he explained his actions, making my want for him grow. "Pants off." He demanded and I obliged without a second of hesitation.

I wanted to feel him. I wanted to feel his love. After the long endless weeks of nothing but anger, annoyance, and distance coming between us, I longed for these moments. My stomach fluttered as his lips trailed down the valley between chest, over my stomach, before finally reaching the top of my laced panties. His fingers hooked the sides and slid them down my thighs. I knew I was soaked.

Niall smirked. "Someone's ready."

"Niall." I whined, but he only laughed before pushing my thighs further apart and dipping down to my entrance. His skilled tongue flicked up and down, first slowly then picking up speed, causing my moans increase in volume. I could feel the knot in my stomach beginning to form before Niall pulled away. I whimpered in disapproval, but he only smirked and pressed his lips against mine as he tugged his own boxers off. I feel his erection against my stomach.

"We're gonna go slow okay baby?" His lips still against mine. I nodded. "Oh shit, hold on." He mumbled as he bent over and grabbed his jeans.

"Niall." I cupped his cheek and forced him to look at me. "No. No condom. I'm on the pill."

"You sure? Last time we had tha-" He started but I pressed my finger against his lips.

"I'm sure."

He smiled and dropped the jeans before positioning himself over me. With a single nod, he pushed his full length into my entrance. I filled my hand with his hair and left several kissed along his neck as Niall's voice filled my head as he slowly rocked himself into me. Each thrust deeper than the last until he hit that one spot, filling my entire being with full ecstasy and pleasure. He seemed to notice, he hit it again and again.  I bucked my hips to meet his.

The burning knot formed again, signaling how close I was. His forehead was beaded with sweat and his face held nothing but pure concentration and pleasure. His thrusts were getting sloppier, both our breathing grew even more ragged and uneven.


"It's okay, baby, I am too." Niall strained as he continued to slowly thrust into me. I screwed my eyes shut and I felt my body go weak. Niall's head rested on my chest as we let ourselves recover.

I combed my fingers through his dampened hair.

"Hayley, I know I can't express my feelings most of the time. And I know I fucked up your relationship with your mum. I know I have made life far more difficult for you, and I'm sorry. But I hope you know that I try to be the best for you. I love you and I don't know what I would ever do without you." He lifted his head and pressed his lips against mine. His fingertips brushed my cheek.

"And it kills me to think that you could hate yourself. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. I wish the world could see you how I see you. You're my home, Hayley. Nothing is right if I'm not with you."

I felt my heart leap into my throat. I couldn't form words, I only connected our lips once more and pulled my body as close as I could manage against his. Niall didn't need my words. He knew. He knew me better than I knew myself.

((OH MY GOD GUYS!!! Thank you so much for all of you who have followed! and thank you all who have been following me from the beginning and have been reading from the beginning. It means so much! anyway thank you so so much. And I'm on break now so I should be able to update more!!!"

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