Chapter 84

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-Hayley's POV-

"Hayley! You got some mail here." Matt called as he shut the front door behind him. I pushed the laptop away from my lap and got to my feet. I pulled the sleeves of Niall's Quiet hoodie over my palms and met Matt in the kitchen. His blonde hair was decorated with tiny snowflakes that swirled around outside.

"Cold out there?" I laughed slidding onto a tall stool.

Matt rolled his eyes at me. "No it's incredibly hot out there. I almost died of heat exhaustion." He slid a to go cup of coffee towards me.

"Awh you got me coffee, how sweet." I teased pinching his cheek.

"Almost as sweet as you." Matt said scrunching up his face. "Okay enough of that. It's weird. Here."

I grabbed the letter out of his hand. The emblem of the community college stamped on the front. I grinned at Matt before opening the envelope. My heart pounded in my ears. I had been waiting for this, anticipating it.

Hayley Turner,

We are happy to inform you that due your accecptional work that you will be joining the graduating class of 2014!

"Ah! Matt I'm graduating! It's official!" I didn't bother reading the rest of it. I'd have plenty of time later and knowing my mother and Jeffery, they'd talk about it for the entire break.

Matt gave me a hug and told me he was proud of me.

I felt like an entire weight had been taken off my shoulders. I was sure that I would graduate early but having it written down was much better. Now there wasn't room for any doubts. It was going to happen.

"So are you ready to head to your parents'?" Matt asked and I nodded as I took another slip of my coffee.

"Is Jess coming?" I asked. For the last few months Matt and I had traveled back and forth between our two families together. It was only a friendship nothing more. His girlfriend, Jess, went to University so she was often busy and couldn't go with him. Since my parents' house is along to way to Matt's, we figured we could all carpool. Basically, it was me thirdwheeling but I didn't care too much.

Matt nodded. "Yeah she should be here soon."

"Well yeah, I'm packed. I told Mom I'd text her when we leave. She is looking forward to seeing you all again."

Matt smiled and shrugged. "I'm like a drug. People get addicted to me."

"Shut up," I laughed heading to my room to get my suitcase.


 "Matt! Jess! So good to see you!" Jeffery called as the three of us trudged through the newly falling snow. "Oh and you too, Hayley."

"Thanks Dad. You're so great." I rolled my eyes, annoyed, but gave him a hug anyway.

My mom came out from the kitchen, smiling. Her brown hair pulled back behind her head. She was wearing a red button up blouse and black pants so she must have just gotten off work. The blue checkered apron she had on over it was spotted with flour. "Hey honey," She smiled. "How was the trip?"

I glared at her then rolled my eyes.

"That bad?" She asked eyeing the couple behind me.

I held my head in my hands, massaging my temples. "It's so hard to sit behind them and listen to them argue and be mad at each other. It's hard to have to endure it when they seem to just waste their time together because they see each other all the time. It's painful really because I'd do anything to be able to fight with Niall whenever just because we could always make up in a few days, not months or over the phone."

Mom placed her hand over mine, rubbing her thumb over the back. "You don't actually want to fight with him."

"Hell no," I laughed. "We've had our fair share of fights. We still do occasionally but if we didn't have the distance between us we could do whatever."

Mom rolled her eyes. "Well in eight months you guys will be married and you can fight as often as your hearts please." Her eyes teared up but she quickly blinked them away.

"I still cry sometimes when I think about it too." I admitted. I don't know if I will  ever really wrap my head around the idea. Just last month I finally accepted that we were actually getting married.

"Well go talk to the little love bug of yours." She smiled turning back towards the oven.

I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed. "Niall won't be here for another few days and he's probably busy or something by now. I haven't received anything from him for hours now."

Mom pursed her lips and shrugged. "Yeah, of course. He is on the other side of the ocean. That's where he is. Totally. Fo' sho'."

"Did you just say fo' sho'?" I asked in amusment.

Mom rolled her eyes and sighed like she was about to say something but before she could get a word out someone came up behind me and covered my eyes.

"Guess who!" The voice was at a squeaky pitch, obviously fake.

"Logan get off." I laughed tugging at the fingers.

"I swear it's not me." Logan said at my right, I could tell by the crack in his voice.

"Okay, Matt, Jeffery nice try."

"Nope." multiple people said in unison.

I sighed. "Then who the hell is it? There's only three guys in the house and I know it's not Jess, so c'mon."

"Awh, babe, have a little fun." The accent was thick. And by the way they skipped the t's in little, I had no doubt on who it could be. The hands fell away from my face, allowing me to see the big toothy smile framed by dark hair bleaching into a blonde. Blue eyes shining brightly, outlined by eyelashes that were in better condition than mine.

"Niall!" I screamed kicking the stool out fron under me and jumping into his arms. They were even more toned that last time. His lips were slightly chapped from the cold weather but it didn't matter, not to me.

He was like poison in my veins, pulsing through me at every second of every day. Like kerosene poured over my skin, just waiting for the smallest spark, the smallest flame to ignite the entire thing.

Niall was my flame.

((A/N: Heyyyy got it up:) Alrighty so sorry again. I want the chapters to be good you know. Okay so I love you all so so much and I know you know that and I've said it a hundreds times but thank you !!

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