Chapter 16

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-Hayley's POV-

I  slammed my hand against the annoying alarm clock, screeching at me to get up. I groaned and covered my head with the pillow. One more day until the weekend. I dragged myself out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans. I didn't really feel like putting much effort into myself today, less than usual. I pulled on my Justin's boots and a green hoodie. By the time I was finished putting my hair into a messy bun, I still had plenty of time. I eyed my make up bag resting on the desk.

"Oh what the hell.." I sighed to myself and grabbed the full bag. May as well.

Eight-thirty rolled around, so I grabbed my books and unplugged my charger from my phone. I started to slip in into my pocket when I noticed the green flashing, signalling I had a message waiting to be opened.

I unlocked my phone to see a message from Niall with a video attachment. My face transformed into a smile as I closed the door behind me.

The video was Niall with his blonde bedhead.  He wore a big cheesy smile and no shirt. My heart raced and dropped at the same time.

"Good morning princess! I couldn't take one more day without talking to you. I hope you're doing great. Tour has been so busy, lots of fun though. Not as much fun as being with you though, if you know what I mean." his left eye dropped in a wink and I giggled as I waited for the elevator.

"Only another month until I'm in the states, two until you join me. All the lads miss you too, but they don't matter. I only matter, right? Anyway, you're probably heading to class now so I'll let you go. But remember,  I'm expecting one of these back as soon as you're off. I miss hearing that beautiful voice of yours. I love you. Take care." I blinked rapidly to hold back tears as I watched Niall blow a kiss into the camera lens.

God, how missed him. The video couldn't have lasted any longer than a minute, tops. And somehow, within those sixty seconds or less, Niall  still managed to make me dramatically over emotional, something I was not enjoying. I remember how little cried before Niall came into my life.

We don't cry. We make the boys cry.

The words of my oh so wise, self absorbed mother echoed in my mind. Yet here I was, in an elevator, trying to blink back tears from a tiny video. I shook my head and laughed lightly at myself. Look how much I have changed over the year.

A year.

That seemed like the signing was ages ago, but all the same I remembered it as if it was yesterday. I cringed and lifted my shirt to reveal the scar tissue I have grown to ignore. It's weird to think that all of this occurred by some maniac with a gun, who was now serving their time in jail.



I rolled my head back and lightly banged it against the wall of the elevator. It had been nearly a month now since the terrifying early hours of Valentine's Day. The images of Chris on top of me, struggling to point the gun, sent shivers down my spine. I still had not fully recovered from it. I still woke up in the middle of the night when the memories came back to haunt me. McKenna insisted on talking to someone about it, but I refused. Her, Matt, and Niall were the only people I ever considered talking to about it. Niall, however, had no interest in talking about it. I knew he didn't. It was too fresh in both of our minds. A stroll down memory lane that was skipped time and time again in hopes of it one day vanishing completely.

A ding of the elevator disrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to the present. It was slightly warmer outside than it had been the past few days, but not by much. Two crows pecked at the ground before acknowledging my presence and flying high above me. It must be nice to be so free. To be able to just fly away and not have any commitments.

 I walked into chemistry and took my seat next to Matt. It had kinda became more usual seat ever since that one snow day that we had a total of five people in class. I gave him a smile, which he returned and scooted over a little to make room for me.

"Did you actually put make up on?" He teased. I hadn't worn any ever since conversing with Niall on a daily basis came to a cease.

I nodded and smiled proudly. "Crazy isn't it? I don't know. I figure what the hell." After a few minutes I turned to him again. "Have you moved of the frat yet?"

I knew he had talked about it since he and Chris didn't get along much anymore. Matt told him how crazy he was acting, it ended with both of them having a black eye and busted lips and knuckles.

Matt shook his head and shrugged. "I'm still looking." He bent closer and his voice lowered in volume. "You see, once summer rolls around, I want McKenna to move in with me. So I want to make sure it's a good but affordable apartment."

I couldn't help but smile at how happy Matt got when he talked about McKenna. His eyes would brighten and when they were together, he looked at her with so much love and compassion. I would catch myself wondering if that's what Niall looked like when he looked at me.

"You know there are some nice little one bedroom houses just off of campus." I shared as the final students piled through the doors. "Rent isn't too extravagant either. I looked into them a while back."

"Holy shit. That would be great." Matt beamed just as the professor started his lecture.


Matt and I started to walk to the cafeteria together after class. I still had two more classes to go to but I couldn't ignore the grumbling in my stomach. Besides, I had plenty of time before Leadership. I still had a whole day of work to go to as well.

"So how's Niall? Have you talked to him?" Matt asked as we crossed the courtyard.

I shook my head. "I haven't talked to him but he's doing good."

"How can you know but not talk?" Matt laughed as he put air quotes around talk.

I shrugged. "Video messages."

We argued back forth about how that counts as talking or not when I looked forward and saw a tall, built, dark haired man in front of us.

My heart stopped and I could feel my blood go cold. "Is that...?" I started.

"Who? Wher- fuck." Matt gaped as his eyes fell on the same dark haired maniac who was once his best friend.

((Hey guys! How was your Christmas or holidays? What all did you guys get? I got the Our Moment perfume and a blanket. I love them both! I hope you all are doing great. I just wanted to say thank you for everything and if you guys have any questions you want to ask me or book to read, message me. I read them all and try to reply to them all. I try to read the stories you offer too. TRY.

Anyway PLEASE PLEASE do not forget to VOTE and COMMENT. Please comment. Even if it's just "Update soon" I love them and they make me want to update more quickly and make them longer. Feel free to check out my other stories while waiting for updates! I love you all thank you xxx))

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