Chapter 18

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-Hayley's POV-

I knew the voice and I knew the cold eyes looking down at me but I couldn't force myself to believe it.

"i wouldn't exactly use those words. " My voice came out a lot stronger than I actually felt inside. I tried pushed past him but he side stepped,  blocking my way with her strongly built bulky body.

"Don't want to stay and talk?" If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was... hurt. But I did know better.

I shook my head. "I really don't actually. I have a class to get to."

"Leadership? I know. You got time." How the hell did he know my schedule that well?  I kept my eyes down at the ground.

"Hayley, come here. You can talk to me. We're still friends right?" He reached out towards me but I recoiled away. This guy was not for real, was he?

"Friends?! Friends? Chris, you tried to fucking kill me! And then you threatened my boyfriend!" I screamed at him, my anger over taking my fear.

Chris shook his head slowly and reached out for me again. But I took a step back, distancing us even more. "Hayley," he said slowly, "I think that we can negotiate about this whole situation."


-Niall's POV-

"Catch me if you can!" Louis and I shouted as we sped away from security in a golf buggy. You'd think after last year they'd learn not to let us near anything with wheels. I laughed hysterically as I watched Harry, Liam, and Zayn get picked off one by one. I felt the familiar vibration in my pocket and i dug to retrieve my phone. Just as I turned forward, Louis hung a quick right turn sending my phone flying from my hand when I tried to catch myself.

"Shit!" I yelled. "You idiot!" I punched Louis' arm, earning a hard shove back.

"Niall!" Paul yelled waving the phone in his hand. "It's Hayley!" A smile played at his lips, knowing that he won me over without having to chase me down.

I looked at Louis who shook his head. "Dont give in. They could be lying!" He laughed knowing damn well that they weren't.

"Let me off or I'll jump!" I threatened.

Louis scoffed at me. "I dont give a fuck if you jump." I steadied myself and bent my knees when Louis slammed on the breaks. "Jesus, lad, don't kill yourself. I was joking."

I hopped off the buggy and started walking towards Paul. I heard Louis spin off once more, followed by shouting. Paul extended the phone out to me and winked. "That was easy."

I shrugged. "Consider yourself lucky, Paul."

I wrapped my fingers around my phone and felt my heart flutter inn my chest. I missed her so damn much. With every passing day I was counting down the days, the hours,  to when she could be back in my arms.


-Hayley's POV-

"What sort of negotiation?" I questioned and barged past him, not slowing down. "You have nothing to offer me."

I continued my pace, reminding myself that once I'm in the hall I'm safe. I reached out for the door when Chris yelled.

"I can tell you about your Dad!"


My fingers dropped from the handle. My subconscious screamed at me to walk into the hall and not give Chris the attention he desired,  but my curiosity won the fight.

I turned to face him. "What do you know about my dad? I barely knew anything about him and I lived with him. You've never even met him." I snapped.

Chris walked closer, too close for comfort. "Criminal Investigation classes can teach you a lot of things."

"You did a background check on my dad? What are you, a fucking stalker?"

Chris scrunched his nose at me in disapproval. "Not a background check exactly. Just a.. uh.. it doesn't matter."

"Freak." I snapped and turned to leave again. I wasted enough time and energy.  He deserved no more. He deserved less actually.

"I can tell you what he was doing." Chris shouted, tuggingnmy curiosity back to him. He knew me too well. "I can tell you about his missions, how he died.."

"He died in a car accident." I interrupted.

Chris only shook his head slowly. "That's what they want you to think." He leaned down, so close I could feel his warm breath. "Your dad, Derek, was killed."  I heard myself gasp.

"And I can tell you who killed him and why."

No doubt that I wanted to know. I needed to know actually. It had been teasing my mind but I never let myself believe it was a possibility.

"And what do you get out of this?" I dared to ask.

Chris smirked. "I give you the information about your dad and in return you give me what I desire most." His voice was low and sent shivers down my spine. It made my stomach flip.

"Which is..?" My voice was shaky now, showing my true fear.

Chris smirked again. "Sex."

I felt my jaw drop open. He was not serious. He couldn't be.

"I'll let you think about it. My offer will stand for as long as it needs to. I know your curiosity will get the better of you. I mean it is your dad we're talking about her." he started to walk away, leaving me be on the steps in front of my hall.

"You got my number. Put it to good use."

I stood there: motionless. Too shocked to even think. Chris was low, I knew that, but that was so low. Too low. I knew I shouldn't even be weighing the pros and cons, but it was  my dad. And my curiosity was over running all my common sense.

((Heyyyyyyy guys!! Thank you so much.  I love you! xxx vote and comment! ))

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