Chapter 80

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-Hayley's POV-

The next few days went by slow and easy. Everything went the same as it did the day before. Jeffery and Mom had left for their Honeymoon getaway thingy two days ago, leaving Niall and I in charge of Logan. But Logan seemed to have gained a life since last summer.

He was gone almost all day everyday. Whether it was going up the the school to play ball, driver's ed, or to see his girlfriend, he was always gone. But neither Niall or I lost any sleep over it.

I thumbed through a magazine filled with wedding themes and decorations. I had decided a long time ago that I wanted my wedding colors to be mint green and a peach kind of orange. Niall was more than pleased because they are the colors of the best country in the world.

Niall's arm hugged my waist and mumbled a yeah everytime I asked him a question.

"Oh! What about this one?" I pointed at some drapes that we could use for the reception.

"Mhmm, that one's good."

I looked up to see Niall blankly starring at the TV. "Do you want to choose the musicians? I assume you have plans already."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Do you enjoy finger popping a raccoon's asshole?" I asked trying to surpress my laughter bubbling in my stomach.

"Yeah, definitely." I couldn't hold it in any longer. I covered my face with my hands and shook my head. "What?" Niall asked.

"You weren't even listening." I cried and wiped under my eyes.

Niall shrugged. "I'm sorry but all you talk about is which one is better and honestly I don't care. I will pay for whatever."

"Okay, one, you're not paying for all of it. And second, I asked if you enjoy fingering raccon's assholes."

"You did?"

"I did."

Niall scratched the side of his head. "And what did I say?"

"Yeah, definitly." I mimcked the best irish accent I could manage.

Niall pushed my head to the side and I elbowed him the chest. This was the typical day and I didn't have a problem with it. It was crazy to actually believe that I was planning my wedding at age twenty. Yes, we were young and had so much more ahead of us but I could not imagine spending any time with anybody else.

Besides, why wait?

Why wait for life to catch up and take time away from the people you love? I didn't care if I was going to be married at age twenty-one, I would be married to my best friend and my sunshine.

"So, when are we flying out to Ireland?" Niall asked and I shrugged.

"You're the one who knows what the plans are there. I honestly have no clue. I graduate in Decemeber. I figured we'd spend New Year's here and then fly back to Ireland and start last minute things for the wedding."

"I meant this summer," Niall laughed.

"You didn't inform me about going there this summer." I said as calmly as I could. The sarcasm was heavy though.

Niall sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, well, I thought it was a given. Anyway, when would you like to go to look at churches and houses?"

"Why would we look at houses? We have your apartment in London. Your career is still going strong. You boys just have a longer break this coming summer." I said still scanning the magazine.

Niall grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. He pulled the magazine out of my hands and dropped it to the floor. "Because we are finally going to have things our way. We will finally be adults living in the adult world. We will have everything our way. No parents saying no. No time zones. Nothing will come between us and we can finally live how we have always wanted. I want to buy a house with you. I want to start a family and I want to grow old and be like the notebook with you. I love you."

The heat rose in my cheeks. I smiled and pressed my lips together. "Slow down a little bit. We are not having babies yet or growing old in a nursing home."

"But you caught my point?" Niall said with a crooked smile.

I nodded and cupped his cheek. "Plan the details, book a flight, let me know and we will head out to Ireland again."

((A/N: sorry for the short late update but im grounded and so yeah. Ill update ASAP ilysm xxx))

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