Chapter 49

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-Niall's POV-


Red was a color that held so much symbolism that it was hard to define its exact root.

Red could mean love, desire, passion, blood, rage.

Red could mean rage.

And at that moment that is all I saw. Red.

"What do you fucking mean she's with Chris?" I spat through gritted teeth. My hand clutched at my hair and my nails dug into the skin on the back of my neck.

"She went to his frat," McKenna said somberly.

"I understand that she is at his frat," I snapped. "Why do you know that and yet she's still not fucking here?"

The somber look on her face shifted and contorted with anger.

"What was I supposed to do? Stop her?"

"Yes! Yes you should have stopped her. You're her best friend. What kind of friend just lets their friend of years and years, walk out to go with their stalker." I snapped at her but her green eyes didn't falter.

"I'm not the one your should be pissed at. Hayley is!"

"Trust me, I'm pissed at her as well, but you know about Chris! You know his intentions. You know how shitty he is! Why would you just let her go?" My voice rose with each sentence. My gut twisted and churned. I was angry. I was angry and disappointed but it wasn't just with Hayley. Also with the girl standing so nonchalantly in front of me.

"I tried,"

"Did you chase after her? Did you leave this room?"

I waited for a response but nothing came. My head was pounding and I had to swallow the bile in my throat.

"I didn't think so," I said lowly and turned to leave.

"She doesn't deserve you!" McKenna called after me and I stopped.

I didn't turn around. but I stopped. "You don't have the authority to voice your opinion with me anymore." I growled. "you lost that when Hayley walked out of the dorm room and you knew her destination."

I stormed out of the piece of shit dorms and marched toward my car. I slammed the door shut and slammed my fist against the horn, releasing a shrill sound. A few student glared at me but I just rested my forehead on the wheel.

I wanted to go to the fucking frat and figure this shit out. I wanted to pull her out of his filthy grasp and hold her. I wanted the yell at her and scream so we could move on, but I didn't.

I had security following me and I was tired of it.

i was tired of the bullshit.

if it was anyone but Chris, I would have gone and got her. But it wasn't anyone else.

I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot when my phone rang.

"What?" I barked. All self control was fleeting. All I felt was anger and pain. I was so gone and there was only one way to get over this.

"No Hayley?" Ron, one of the security guards following me, said.

I couldn't tell him what happened. I didn't want to repeat it anyway.

"She already left and headed that way," I lied.

"So then where are we going?"

I looked at the sign above my head and turned into the  other lane.  "To the club." I told him and hung up.

-Hayley's POV-

According to human anatomy the heart should not be in the throat. So why was mine there?

I laced my fingers together to keep from shaking. My eyes brimmed with tears but I would not cry. I was strong today. I knew what had to be done.

I had my priorities intact.

I lifted my hand to the doorbell and hesitated.

I lifted Niall by the hand into the tree house when he collapsed on top of me, sending both of us into a fit of giggles.

"You did that on purpose!" I laughed and Niall lifted his shoulder in a shrug.

"Maybe," He smirked before pressing his lips to mine. Electricity flew through my veins and jolted my bitter heart. He would be leaving in a few minutes but I didn't care. I was with him. He was with me. We were together.

I shuddered before my mind flipped back and took another stroll down memory lane.

I was curled in a ball crying on the floor of my dad's office. The note he had written clutched in my hand. All my life my father had told me never to give up. To fight, to love. To not give up when things got tough.

"You can make it. You and Niall can make it."

My throat constricted as memories flooded back of my dad. Of my best friend. I shook my head and pressed the doorbell. No doubts. Not now.

"He doesn't stop until he gets what he wants." Matt's force echoed in my head. "Be careful."

"He's studying Criminal Investigations."

"I hear he can be... violent,"

"I can tell you who killed your dad." I could picture his smirk. My breathing increased to an irregular speed. My chest rose and fell and the warm wind whipped my straight blonde hair around my face.

This had to end. Now.

The door in front of me opened to reveal a tall, muscular, dark haired male with a sickening smirk on his face. His tee shirt was tight across his strong chest but that didn't matter. It wasn't Niall.

Chris' eyes widen and his pupils dilated as his eyes raked down my body. I had totally forgotten what I was wearing. My boobs were practically hanging out by now, but I didn't care.

"Holy shit, Hayley I.." He didn't finish his sentence before I shoved him in the chest with all the force I could muster. I slammed the door shut behind me and shoved him again. He took a few steps back each time I shoved him until he was sitting on the couch. I towered over him. I was over this bullshit.

"Hayley what the fu-"

"Shut the fuck up, Chris!" I yelled. Adrenaline pulsed through me. I needed to say what was in my head before I lost the nerve.

This was for Dad.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can just prey on little freshman? Do you think you can convince a lonely girl whose boyfriend is clear on the other side of the fucking world, to have sex with you? All so you can have some fun? Do you think you have the authority to fuck up a relationship that took so much fucking time and effort to form? So much luck? You can't! It won't happen! I'm a huge fucking dumbass for thinking that I needed to even consider this bullshit! I'm a huge fucking idiot. I put Niall through so much shit, he doesn't deserve this shit too! You thought that bribing me with information could get me to drop my pants and ride your toothpick of a dick? You're fucking wrong. My dad would not approve. Hell, I don't fucking approve!" I took a pause and stared at Chris who looked as if his eyes would pop out of his head.

"My dad is gone. There's no way I can get him back, but Niall is here. And for some fucked up reason  he still sticks around even though I don't deserve it." I opened the door but paused before leaving. Chris was still on the couch, staring, speechless.

"You know, some sick bitch like me deserves a fucking asshole like you," I said lowly. "Thank God I found Niall." And I slammed the door shut again.

I walked to my car and crawled into the driver's seat. I did it. It was done.

And at that thought I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

((A/N: And you all thought Hayley was gonna fuck Chris;) Sorry we have so many cliff hangers, there's a lot of them coming;)

Vote and comment please:) ilysm xxx))

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