Chapter 69

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-Niall's POV-

My feet rushed under me but my mind raced even faster. I needed to get across town, like, right now. How was I going to get there? Better yet, what was I going to do when I got there?

The lads were probably already on the plane with the others while my bodyguard plus a few thundered after me. I could hear their footsteps but they started to fade the further, faster I ran. I pushed my way through the crowded hallways and corridors, running into a few people. I muttered a few apologies but for the most part I didn't care.

I had one thing on my mind and that one thing had blonde hair and perfect eyes. And that one thing also had a psychotic ex-step-boyfriend thingy, or whatever the hell Ryan is to her.

I pushed through the front glass doors, letting them slam shut behind me. I scanned the area around me. There was a black taxi pulled over. The driver was helping a lady get her bags out of the trunk. Before I could talk myself out of it, I lunged for the driver's side door.

"What the hell man?" The short man cursed at me.

I slammed the door shut and put the car in drive. I pulled a few bills out of my pocket and threw them out the window at him. "Take the money. I got to get somewhere."

I didn't stick around to hear a response before peeling out. My head was swimming. What was going on? Where were they even at? How was all there? I head four different voices. One being Ryan's another being Hayley's.

What happened to set Ryan off?

I jerked the steering wheel to the left, weaving between the chaotic traffic. Car horns filled my eardrums. Shit. Shit. Shit.

It might help if I don't die before I get there.

Among the horns and screeching of wheels, another ringing noise sounded through the air. I fished my phone out of my pocket. The same unknown number popped across the screen.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped. Being nice had gone out the window.

Ryan laughed deeply. "Someone's a little pissy."

"I swear to fucking God, Ryan, if you touch her I will liter-"

"Calm, everyone is alive and well." I let out a small sigh of relief. "So far anyway."

I'm sorry what?

"What the hell do you want, Ryan?" I groaned looking at the exits ahead of me. "Where are you? You want money? A car? Strippers? What? I will fucking get it for you."

"Seriosly? You're asking me where I am? Priceless, real-" Ryan was cut off by someone yelling in the background.

"Matt! Go now!"

Matt? Matt was there too? I sucked in a gasp at the realization. I knew where they were. I pressed my foot harder on the gas, jutting out in front cars and cutting across lanes to get to the exit.

-Hayley's POV-

Being locked in a bathroom where there's only one tiny window tends to drive people insane. Ryan was out in the kitchen with my mom and a passed out Jefferey. Matt had managed to get out the window. I prayed that Logan hadn't ran off and that Matt would find him eventually. They could go get help. Call the police. Something, anything.

I always knew something was off about Ryan, but never had I guessed this. My stomach churned at the thoughts brewing in my head. I could imagine all of our bodies lying there lifeless on the ground with the skin peeled off. Or Ryan using us as a human dart board. I didn't know what Ryan had in mind but I do know that my plan for self defense had failed.

Who puts one damn bullet in a gun?

I'll tell you who. Ryan.

He was a smart asshole, that was for sure. After struggling and fighting each other to get to the small handgun, I finally was able to aim and fire, just like I did at Chris way back when, except this time there was no blood. No pain. No nothing. Instead this time, there was a hallow click and a laughing Ryan standing over me.

Which explains why I ended up inside a deserted bathroom.

I sat on the edge of the toilet seat and held my head in my hands. I needed to find a way out of here. But how? What was i going to do? My only chance was getting that gun and injuring Ryan. But that obviously didn't work. Now I could only hope that Matt and Logan could get some help. It was only a matter of time before Ryan broke.

"Psstt!" I jerked my head up. What was that? "Hayley!"

I stepped up on the side on the tub and reached for the window. Being so short really actually sucked. I pressed my hand against the window and pushed. It wouldn't budge. I put one foot on each side, distributing my weight evenly. I pressed both hands against the window and pushed again, and again, and again. On the fourth try, there was a high pitched squeak.

I turned around, glancing at the window. Nothing. I turned my attention back towards the window and strained my muscles. I gritted my teeth, lifting the window away from the frame and pushing out. Finally it gave. The momentum from pushing forward with all my strength sent me crashing into the tiled wall.

I cursed under my breath and pulled myself up to my tip toes.

"Down here!" I craned my neck to look down. When I did, I couldn't help but smile.

"Matt! Logan!" A small laugh escaped my mouth. Even in terrible times where my mom's ex-fiancé could come in and shoot me, I somehow found a way to smile.

Matt returned a smile and waved, but Logan continued to look around him. His eyes were wide and fearful. My heart ached. He didn't deserve to have to go through this.

"You guys have to do something." I told Matt who wrapped his arm around Logan.

He looked up at me. "Like what? Every weapon I own inside."

"Weapons?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

Matt smiled slightly. "I go hunting, remember? I was raised on a damn farm. I own a gun or two. Legally I may add."

This was good this was really good. "Where?" I Asked eagerly.

"Not in the bathroom dumbass."

"Be nice. This is life or death." We should not be joking about this but it was easier than accepting the awful fate ahead of us.

I flipped Matt off and shook my head. I heard footsteps growing louder. "Matt I gotta go. Get help!" I called down before shutting the window.

"Hayley, sweet, sweet, Hayley." My skin crawled at his hoarse voice. I kneeled front of the storage under the sink and ran my hands through the junk. I stalled when my hands found an old razor. One of the ones that where basically a big blade with a handle at the end.

I tucked it in the waistband of my shorts, my shirt covering it. The metal was cold against my skin. Cold but reassuring.

((A/N: heyyyy sorry. I work a lot so it's hard to find time. Im hoping this is long enough for you guys.
Please excuse my terrible misspelling and grammar errors. I need to go back and proof read. Thank you so much and I know this chapter is odd and random and kinda gives you whip lash but eh.

Vote and comment babes[: ilysm xxx))

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