Chapter 9

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-Hayley's POV-

As exhausted as I was, I couldn't sleep. Niall's words were replaying through my mind. I was awake the whole time. Well not exactly the whole time but for most of it anyway.

I didn't understand why Niall couldn't say these sweet loving and caring words to my face when I could actually respond. It took everything in me not to reach out and take his lovely creamy pale face into my hands and stare into his Pacific ocean blue eyes. It was nearly impossible for me not to shoot up and take his lip between my teeth and have his hands roam my body.

As wonderful as I knew that would have been, I think I enjoyed hearing the words escape his lips. If I would have stopped him then, I may have never known how he felt. I knew he still loved me. Well sorta knew, but the reassurance that the words held sent me over the emotional rollercoaster ledge.

My eyes hurt and my body ached fron my lack of sleep. My head was throbbing as the alcohol slowly left my system. Niall's steady deeo breathing the only thing keeping me from insanity.

My hand gently traveled in small circles on his back. His skin was so smooth but occasionally I could feel one of his blemishes rise above the surface.

I closed my eyes and the picture of Chris hovering over me, fighting to pull the trigger. I tightened my grip around Niall's bare torso and pulled myself closer to him to stop myself from returning to my shaky state from earlier.

I don't know why I was shaking so bad. I didn't kill Chris. Maybe that's why.. the fact that I could have very simply. Or maybe it was how he didn't seem to hesitate when he thought he'd have to kill me. I shook my head to get rid of the thought but it was only replaced moments later.

What if he would have shot Niall? I don't think I could have coped with that. I could picture his cold lifeless body lying there on the floor. His eyes vacant and far off. The pool forming from hi-

"No!" I screamed as my body sat straight up without my permission. My chest was riaing a falling rapidly with my breathing.  Why did I let my mind go to these awful and disturbed places?

"Hayley?" I turned around to see Niall with wide eyes. I could only make out half of him since the only light was from the full moon that crept through the window. He supported himself up with his arm behind him, his other reaching out for me.

I flipped ontop of him, straddling his lap, my arms wrapped so tightly around his neck that I thought I may suffocate him. His shoulder muffled my sobs,  not much but some. I could tell my sudden embrace caught him by surprise by the way his body lurched backward and slowly recovered. His hands carefully found their way to the back of my head. His fingers combing through my hair in slow comforting motions.

"It's ok." his accent whispered in my ear. "It was only a dream."

It was almost a reality though.. twice.

I lowered my head to his solid chest. He must have been working out more. my legs Still straddling him I layed down ontop of him as he slowly lowered himself back against the pillow. His hands rubbed smooth patterns on the bare skin of my back underneath the tee shirt I was wearing.

"Nothing can come between you and I. Not even the gods above can separate the two of us. Nothing can come between you and I." Niall sang quietly into my ear. I  could feel his hot breath fan across my ear as well as a small hidden smile on my lips. My hands lightly gripped his sides. I didn't want to move. I didn't want him to leave me either.

"Some fucked up Valentine's day huh?" I commented.

Niall shurgged. "It's not over yet. It's only begun. Today I will make it up to you. All my mistakes I will.. uhm.. somehow find a way to fix."

I could hear his nervousness in his voice. Why was he so awkward when it came to telling me how much I meant to him?

"And I'll do the same for you."  I said quietly.


-Niall's POV-

The sun peeped through the stubborn blinds of Hayley's dorm. She should really consider in purchasing curtains. It would probably make both of us a little more secure. I opened my eyes reluctantly. They still stung from my lack of sleep last night. I couldn't sleep after Hayley's sudden outburst. My guess was that it was a nightmare or even a flashback from the party. I looked down at her. She was still straddling me and her head was resting on my bare chest. I knew she was going to have a stiff neck but she looked so peaceful for once in a very long time and I didn't want to take that away from her.

I pulled my phone off of the desk just above my head. It was nearly dead since I forgot to charge it last night but I didn't really care. It would be fine. I wanted to call one of the lads and tell them that everything was ok but then I'd have to explain it all and I want up to that. I'd have to go home sometime today anyway.

Ugh. Home... well England.

I didn't really consider home to be Ireland or the UK or anything anymore. To me, home was wherever Hayley was.


What if Hayley doesn't want to live in Ireland?  This was the first time I really considered us having a long lasting relationship. Usually I just planned until the next time I'd see her. Or the next summer at the furthest. But what if we did get married, what if she didn't want to live in Ireland but, instead, stay in America. for Logan. My mum would surely go mental. What about a job? What would Hayley do? Hell, what would I do. I could more than likely simply retire but I know Hayley and she'd want to work. She'd want to be independent for a little while. Does she want a family?

The thoughts were rushing and swirling in my brain too rapidly. I couldn't process it all. I needed to stop. I pressed the palm of my hand to my forehead in an attempt to stop my new mind splitting headache.

Don't think about this right now, Niall. I told myself. Just focus on Hayley and what you can do to make up for being such a fuckhead.

I texted Louis telling him that Hayley and I were trying to work things out today but that I'd be home later tonight.

I didn't want to go into details anyway. Besides he was probably with Eleanor. I don't know how they did it, but they made it work.

Love I guess.

As I listened to Hayley snore lightly I took in her features. How did I get so lucky? She has certainly had an effect on me. I'm more anxious than I have ever been before. I look at touring in a whole new light, especially the American leg. I find myself depending on her more than I have ever needed, let alone, wanted to be dependent on. How could I ever show her how much I needed her? All I ever was was selfish and inconsiderate. I've hung up on her multiple times, ignored her calls, threw tantrums when she was too tired from work to have sex. I yelled at her, walked out on her more times than I could count and yet she's still here beside me? With the media attacking her, the fans' hatred, my family's first disapproval before finally looking at it in our eyes, everything seemed to be agaist her at one time or another.

I didn't make it any easier..

"I'm sorry, baby." I whispered quietly and kissed the top of her head before bring her sleeping body closer. "So sorry.."

((I know this one is kinda short but I'm trying to update more often so I feel like it's okay. Plus I wrote this during school so yeah.. anyway I hope you guys are all doing great!:) ily xxx))

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