Chapter 85

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-Hayley's POV-

"Niall can you shut up and go to sleep?" I groaned as Niall shifted his weight from one side to the other, trying to get comfortable in the small bed we were sharing for the holidays. He had fallen asleep an hour before we turned in for bed and now he was wide awake, keeping me up with him.

"I can't sleep." He groaned as if this was news to me.

My eyes still closed, my back to him, I grumbled under my breath. "No shit Sherlock."

"You're so pissy when you don't get your correct amount of sleep."

I buried my face into my pillow, pulling the covers tighter to my body. "It is like four in the morning."

"It's almost six." Niall corrected. He was sitting up now, meaning he had given up all hope of getting some more shut eye.

I groaned and rolled out of the bed. "Why couldn't you just leave the room and sit in the kitchen by yourself instead of waking me up?"

I grabbed a jacket that was thrown on a chair and started down the stairs, my head still groggy. Niall thumped behind me as he pulled a shirt over his head.

"Is that my jacket?" He asked gruffly as we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom and Jeffery was sitting at the island sharing a morning with some coffee. Why were they awake? Better yet, why was I awake?

"Yupp. Got a problem?"

Niall huffed loudly behind me. "Would it matter if I did?"


I grabbed two mugs and started pouring the coffee. "I think we have some stupid Irish creamer."

Niall sat at the table and rolled his eyes. "Oh sure, just because it's Irish like me, I want it."

"I was being considerate, you asswipe." I muttered the last few words under my breath.

"Well, thank you. I appreciate it." Niall said rather loudly.  I slid the mug in front of him and sat down next to him. My head hurting from the yelling and lack of sleep. "I love you." Niall muttered.

"I love you too." I huffed before taking a drink of the steamy beverage.

Silence settled over the kitchen. I flipped through a wedding planning magazine that I had gone through a million times while Niall scanned through his e-mails. I could feel Mom and Jeffery watching us with a curious eye.

"Uhm," Jeffery stuttered. "Are you guys fighting or...?"

I looked at Niall and he looked back at me. We both shrugged. "No." We said in unison.

"I just wish he would learn that even if he suffers from jet lag, I don't." I explained nudging his arm.

Niall shook his head and shrugged. "As a couple, I thought we were supposed to go through all the sufferings and victories together."

"Not when it involves my sleep."

Niall opened up his arms to me, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder. He circled his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"You two are the strangest couple I have ever seen." Mom laughed and I let out a yawn, blinking several times as I tried to wake up.

Niall must have noticed because he looked at me with a small wrinkle formed between his eyebrows. "Awh babe, you're right. You should go back to sleep. You look exhausted."

"So in other words I look like shit. Is that what you're saying?" I teased and Niall rolled his eyes. He looked at Jeffery, who was laughing, and raised his hand in defeat.

"I just can't win."

Jeffery shook his head and laughed. "You should know that the men are never right. Even when we are right, we're wrong."

"Excuse me?" Mom asked, propping her head against her hand as she waited for Jeffery to dig his way out of the grave.

"I mean, like, well," And he just went deeper and deeper, "You know, I love you baby. You're so beautiful and I am such a lucky man to have you."

"Mhmm, damn right." Mom laughed before pecking a kiss to Jeffery's lips and excusing herself from the table.

Jeffery looked at us and shrugged. "Just along for the ride."

I got to my feet, drinking the last of my coffee. "I'm gonna go freshen up." I said placing a quick kiss on Niall's lips.

"I need to go get the laundry and put it out on the line before Lana finds out I didn't do it last night." Jeffery said quickly getting up. "Excuse me."

I rubbed my eyes and let out another yawn closing the door behind me. I grabbed a towel off the rack and started the shower. The steam fogging up the mirror. I hummed a song from The 1975 that had been stuck in my head for three days now.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I was so tired.

"You sure you won't fall asleep in the shower?"

I jumped at the sudden company, jamming my back against the sink. Niall puffed out his reddening cheeks, trying not to laugh.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear but a bigger piece of it ended up falling in front of my face. "You really should learn to knock or something."

Niall smirked a little, his hand raising to my face. The pad of his thumb running over my cheek, pushing the hair behind my ear. "Now that would just ruin all the fun."

He took a step closer, his body against mine. I couldn't tell if my body was on fire now or if the steam from the shower was filling the air. Maybe a bit of both. Niall kissed my forehead, my nose, and once on my lips. I could feel him smile before traveling to kiss me below the ear.

"We're not exactly alone you know." I said quietly, watching Niall watch me. One of his hands still holding my face, the other on my waist.

Niall pulled back, just barely, his nose brushing mine. I could feel his heavy hot breath against my skin. His blue eyes enveloping my mind. "Just say the word and I'll stop. One word and I'm done."

I fidgeted slightly, a shiver running down my spine. I looked Niall in the eyes and despite my mind telling me not to, I looked at his lips.

And that was it.

I cupped Niall's face in my hands, my fingers tangling into his messy hair. My lower lip caught between his teeth, causing me to sigh. My legs jumped and wrapped around Niall's waist momentarily before he sat me on the edge of the sink. His fingers lightly doodling patterns on my thigh.

I pulled at the hem of Niall's tee shirt, my hands on his bare skin.

"What the hell is this thing still going on?" Niall grunted in a much thicker accent than he had before, gesturing to my oversized sweatshirt. "You can't take a shower with this on."

I stopped at glared at him. "Seriously? That's your concern right now?"

Niall smirked and tilted his head to the side. "Well yes since I'll be taking one with you. We've wasted enough water. No need to waste anymore."

((A/N: Oh my Nayley. Let's see we have probably about 10 more chapters! [if that] SO be ready for it to skip forward real soon.

anyway, vote and comment. Thank you so so much ily! xxx))

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