Chapter 36

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-Niall's POV-

Of all the possible times, out of all the possible places, out of all this whole god damned motherfucking world, why did this piece of shit asshole have to be in the same fucking restaurant as Hayley and I? This dick was everywhere. I mean everywhere. He worked with Hayley at that pathetic little coffee shop. He delivered our fucking pizza to Hayley's damn dorm. He would pop out of nowhere. And now he works in this kind of place? I swear, this fucking Chris guy drops out of the sky or hides behind bushes or some shit because he is everywhere.

Instinctively, I pulled Hayley closer to me and held on tighter. There was no way I was going to let him think there was any possibility of him taking her away from me. Especially after he made that fucking offer. I could feel my temper slipping through my fingers as we got closer. You wouldn't even be able to tell there was blood on this shitty red carpet. But with that many fucking paps outside the glass door, there was no way I could ever get away with it.

"How many jobs does this prick have?" I said through clenched teeth and Hayley slipped her arm underneath my jacket, around my waist.

"I don't know," She said softly. I could hear the trembling in her voice. She didn't want to be here anymore than I did, possibly even less. I mean, the dick did try to shoot her. And then turned right around and tried to get in her pants. This kid needs to be taken to a mental institution or something because, Lord knows, he needs help.

"Can we just try our best to ignore him?" Hayley offered, lifting her blue eyes to meet mine. "Like you said, it's been a long time."

I let out a deep breath through my nose and mustered the flakiest smile I could possibly manage before stopping right in front of the podium. A short petite brunette with way too bright of red lipstick smeared on her lips, smiled brightly at us. "Reservation?"

"Yes, for tow." I clarified.



I watched as she skimmed through the list of names. Her red painted nail gliding down the cursive list. "H - O - R - A - N?"

I nodded and she smiled brightly again. Normally I would appreciate the simple gesture but right now, I was too annoyed by the dick that kept his lustful gaze on Hayley. He looked like a pathetic puppy with drool pooling around him.

"Isn't Nora's section kinda crammed?" Chris asked, finally taking his eyes away from Hayley's curves.

The brunette's face twisted into a frown. "That's where they are to be seated. Besides, Nora can handle it."

"Put them in my section."

Excuse me? No.

"It is Niall Horan, I mean, we want to leave a good impression." Chris gushed, making me want to punch him even more.

The brunette shook her head. "No. We stick with the reservation seating. It's in Nora's section. Nora can handle it. If she needs help she will tell you."


"No!" The brunette snapped harshly and I couldn't help my bite back a laugh. I heard Hayley snort quietly beside me as she hide her face in my shirt. The brunette rolled her eyes at Chris before forcing a smile back on her face. "Right this way, please."

I wanted to applaud her. Hell, I wanted to place her on a podium and let the world praise her for her actions. If I would have been stuck with Chris as a damned waiter all night, things would not end well. Not for me, Chris, or anyone else in this restaurant.

I followed the hostess as she lead Hayley and I to a back corner. Perfect. I watched Hayley's face as she took in her surroundings. I wasn't all that impressed with the place, but I've been everywhere. Given, for the city's small rural feel, it was definitely a step up. Hayley's chlorine eyes were wide and a smile played at her lips as she looked at the artwork decorating the walls. Her hand that wasn't laced between mine, glided over the white table clothes and velvet padding. She looked.. happy again. And that's all I wanted to do.

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