Chapter 99

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-Hayley's POV-

"Hayley Lydia May Turner!" My mother screeched as I started to run towards the bathroom. My nerves were running haywire and no matter how hard I tried, anything that I ate refused to stay down. "Stop. Calm down." She held me In her arms as I focused on not puking, but instead breathing.

I had been like this for the past two hours. My hand were shaking like they were in the process of having a seizure and my heart constantly pounded against my ribcage. Denise and Jess ran around the house, putting things in the car so we could head towards the church. Sophia had arrived an hour ago to help control the chaos and to convince me that I was, indeed, worthy to walk down the aisle in a few hours. Every since that last dream, my mind was racing. it was blurred and steamed with insane thoughts. Matt's advice did help me, but it was only temporary. It only lasted through the night. As soon as I woke up again, it vanished.

"The car is ready. We're  ready. Let's  get going!" Denise called from the doorway.

I can't  imagine how weird  and disturbing we looked. I was sitting on the bathroom floor, wrapped in my mother's arms. My eyes were puffy and my face was more than likely, a splotchy red from crying.

"You are fine," Mom told me sternly but comforting. I nodded my head dumbly and slowly got to my wobbly legs.

I don't  know for sure why i was having such an awful breakdown. I was excited to marry Niall and I was eager to begin our lives together but with every happy thought, there was the fear of something going on. What if Ryan somehow showed up? And if it wasn't Ryan, what if Chris did..?

I shuddered at the thought of his name. I hadn't  dared to let my mind travel to him for years now. And i wasn't  going to start again now.



-Niall's POV-

"Niall, lad, you need to wake up," my dad called. I let out a grian and lifted my hand only for it to drop again.

"Ten more minutes," I  suggested. My eyes were tired and droopy. I don't remember  when i finally managed to fall asleep ladt night but it was late.

"Niall, it's nearly noon," Dad laughed.


"So, are you forgetting what day it is?"

"It's Friday," i muttered still refusing to move a muscle.

I heard my dad laugh again, "yes, but something else about today. Dun dun dunduuuuun! Dun dun duduuuuun!"

My eyes snapped open and i sat straight up in the bed. I reached into the floor and grabbed a pair of sweat pants to pull on quickly. "Holy shit," i muttered to myself through a smile. My dad was grinning from ear to ear as ge watched me run around my small childhood room in an attempt to get ready.

I was getting married today. I could fight the smile fighting its way onto  my lips  and, honestly, i didnt want to. Instead i let it rest there, pulling my cheeks up for much that my face began to hurt.

I stopped long enough to look at my dad. His eyes were glossy but judging by the amount of teeth he was showing, he was happy. "Dad," I laughed as i rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, "don't cry."

He looked  me up and down, the smile never fading, "I can't  believe my little boy is getting married."

I had tears in my eyes now. I sniffed loudly before crashing into my father, embracing him in a tight hug. I could feel him do the same thing to me. I dont remember  how many times i had been in this position, needing comfort from him. But now, the roles had switched. Now I comforted him. I paid for his travels. I bought him the things he could never buy me. I told him stories about the world just like he used to tell me. So much had changed and it was so overwhelming.

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