Chapter 22

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He let out a loud sigh but turned to face me. "I'm sorry for whatever I did."

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Do you even know what you did?" I asked and he shook his head. "Wow." I rolled my eyes and started for the bedroom with the bottle in my hand.

"Don't wow me!" Niall growled as he grabbed my forearm.

I tugged until my arm was free from his tight grasp. "Do you want something to get you pissed at me?" I glared up at him. "Because I can give you one!"

"Oh really, Hayley? Enlighten me because no matter what we do looks like we are going to be bitching at each other all night anyway!" He yelled throwing his hands in the air.

 How could we go from nearly fucking to yelling at each other. And on top of it all, it was nearly two in the fucking morning. The alcohol coursing through my system blurred my better judgment to keep my mouth shut.

"I can tell you that it deals with Chris." I spat and his blue eyes turned darker than I had ever seen before.

-Niall's POV-

"I can tell you that it deals with Chris!"

I knew that she was intoxicated and didn't mean the words flying from her mouth. She was angry and stressed and drunk. But like they always say "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts."

In a single long stride I was right back in her face, glaring down at her as she glared back at me. If looks could kill, we would both be lying dead on the floor. But looks don't kill, so we were forced to voice the angry words swirling in our minds.

"You best be talking about my step-father." I said lowly. The blood pounded against my ear drums, resembling an Indian war drum. My fists clenched involuntarily at my sides. So tight that the knuckles started to turn white.

"Would you like to take another guess? Or possibly phone a friend?" Hayley sneered and took another drink from the dark bottle in her hand, her chlorine eyes never leaving mine.

"What did you do?" My voice came out rough and angry, partly because I was angry, furious even; but inside I was scared to know the answer. I didn't think anything bad of her. I was more afraid of how she reacted to his presence.

Hayley gave me a face of pure disgust. "Why do you assume it's always something that I've done? Ever thought that maybe someone else did something for a change? Oh wait, no! Of course not! Because it's always me. Isn't it Niall."

"That's not what I meant!" My voice rose with each syllable. "And you know it!"

"How?" She asked, surprising me. "How do you know that I know it? Because you don't always assure me of it! You said so yourself that you don't express your feelings like you used to. How am I supposed to know, Niall? How?" She was angry and hysterical now. She wiped angrily at the tears on her cheeks and slammed the glass bottle on top of the glass table. Her posture was shaky and her breathing was uneven.

I couldn't think. The anger inside of my had dissolved into guilt. The words knocked every piece of oxygen out of my lungs. No thoughts came to mind, so I stood there, dumbfounded, as the girl that I loved glared at me with pure and utter disgust. I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off, raising her hand to silence me.

"Don't say that you're sorry. Because I am beyond tired of hearing it." All color drained from her face and I felt as if my heart was lying on the expensive carpet in front of me. Her eyes looked vacant and I knew how distant her mind was. I had  let her down again. And here I was not able to even think of something to do to make the slightest thing better.

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